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The external tank is jettisoned from the Orbiter less than a minute after main engine cut off (MECO which occurs about eight minutes after launch). The tank does not enter or leave Earth orbit. It is maneuvered such that it's trajectory will take it to an unoccupied area of either the Pacific or Indian Oceans (depending upon the launch profile). The tank is made to roll end over end as it descends so that it increases the atmospheric friction and causes it to disintegrate prior to making contact with the ocean. NASA does warn inhabitants in the affected areas in case some debris does reach the Earth's surface.

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Q: What happens to and where does the external fuel tank go after a shuttle takes off?
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What is the external tank used for on a space shuttle?

the external tank carries the fuel

What part of the shuttle detaches shortly after lift off?

external fuel tank

What happens to the fuel for space shuttle when flight is canceled?

After a scrub is announced, liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel is drained from the external fuel tank. Some is lost to boil-off but some is reused on the next launch attempt.

What was the cause of the challenger expolsion?

The Challenger Explosion was caused by an external tank explosion. The space shuttle broke apart due to gasses mixing in the external fuel tank. The shuttle exploded and the space shuttle was torn apart.

How does the Space Shuttle take off?

Space shuttles took of vertically, attached to an external fuel tank and two solid rocket boosters (SRBs).A space shuttle takes off by burning fuel at very high temperatures and this provides lift. The rocket needs to carry extra tanks of fuel for it to provide the combustion for a reasonable amount of time until the shuttle gets into orbit.

How much fuel is needed for a space shuttle to takeoff?

The external tanks can contain up to 534,900 US gallons of propellant. The shuttle has two of these.

Why does the total weight of the shuttle decrease during the first 20 seconds?

Fuel burn. The shuttle is pumping a great deal of fuel out of the orange external tank and the solid rocket boosters are burning solid fuel at an alarming rate.

What falls off a space shuttle first?

Solid rocket booster followed by external fuel tank

What is the red thing that takes off with the space shuttle?

thats the fuel tank

What does the External Tank hold fuel for?

The rockets underneath the shuttle. The side rockets have solid fuel that essentially fuels a controlled explosion out of the nozzles.

Why does NASA have to insulate the external fuel tanks of the space shuttle?

The fuel inside is super cool. The insulation slows the temps from raising too fast and the fuel evaporating

What is orange object on space shuttle?

It is called the "External Tank", or ET for short. It holds the space shuttle's liquid hydrogen fuel, and it's oxidizer, liquid oxygen.