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My partner picks the hairs from my ears quite regually with tweezers its never done my hearing or me any harm

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Q: What happens when some one looses one of the hairs in their ear?
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What happens to an ear when sound waves travel through it?

Sound travels into the ear where it goes into the ear drum which looks similar to a snail shell which has many many tiny hairs attached to it. When the sound waves hit the hairs, the hairs begin to vibrate according to the frequency of the sound waves. Certain hairs register certain frequencies and sends signals to the brain which registers those vibrations as sound.

How do you prevent ear hairs from growing longer?

Trim the ear hair frequently.

What is the part of the ear associated with high pitched noises?

It is due to the sensitive hairs found in your ear. This causes noises to vibrate, where we are able to hear them. As we age, are hairs lose their once youthful strength, and some high pitched noises are difficult to hear.

What does the ear look like?

The ear canal is normally skin-colored and is covered with tiny hairs

Tiny hairs located in what conduct sound to the brain?

Tiny hairs in your ear conduct vibration and convey that to your brain

What does the ear canal look like?

The ear canal is normally skin-colored and is covered with tiny hairs

What do ear hairs do?

its one of the bodies natural basically acts as an type of insect repellent

Tiny hairs in the inner ear help the body maintain.?


How does your hearing work?

Sound vibrates the inner ear to stimulate hairs in the cochlear.

What is a cavern-like bone with tiny hairs and fluid?

The inner ear or the cochlea

What do you call the hair inside the corn?

The "hairs" inside an ear of corn are corn silk.

What happens when sound reaches the nerves of the ear?

Sound doesn't actually affect the nerves. Sound makes the eardrum, ear bones and the fluid in the cochlea vibrate. The vibrations in the fluid make tiny hairs on the walls move, and these cause the nerves to generate electric signals which are transmitted to the brain.