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If the bank sells the house for more than you owe. First, if you owe any other mortgages they will get paid first. after all of the liens of your property have been paid, the borrower(you) receives the rest.

example you owe 100,000 on mortgage 20,000 on equity line

the house sells for 150,000

mortgage and equity line get paid off. and you receive the difference of 30,000 dollars

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Q: What if the bank sells the house for more than you owe on the foreclosure?
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Related questions

Where can I find more information on buying foreclosure houses?

Yes those are out there but its easier to go to the bank and ask them about it. They will be informative and also extremely helpful in finding a house.

Do you get the best deal by buying a house at a foreclosure auction?

Yes, you get the best deal by buying a house at a foreclosure auction. You can read more at

What are the steps to put your house in KS into foreclosure?

Call your lender and ask for the loan servicing department. They will help you get the information you need to do this. The more notice the bank has, the better they can help you.

When the bank forecloses are you responsible for paying for home hazard insurance?

When the bank takes possession of the house after the foreclosure process is complete, then you can cancel the hazard insurance for your home. It is wise to keep it going should anything unforeseen happen to the house, since you could end up owing more.

If you made the payment but the bank says you didn't on the foreclosure statement but is the foreclosure valid?

No, it's probably not a valid foreclosure at this point. This is what the foreclosure hearing will be meant to establish. The fact that the bank is pushing the house into foreclosure does not mean that they will be allowed to sell the house at a public auction. Instead, they will have to sue the homeowners through the court system and obtain a judgment, based on nonpayment of the original mortgage. The judgment will be the impetus for selling the home at a public sheriff sale, and proceeds from the foreclosure auction will be used to pay off the judgment. However, if the mortgage has been paid as agreed, this evidence should be presented at the hearing to the court. The court may request more documentation from the lender to back up the charge of defaulting on the loan. If the loan has been paid as agreed, then there is no grounds for a foreclosure judgment to be issued.

Where can one learn more about foreclosure refinancing?

One can learn more about foreclosure refinancing by contacting one's bank or the provider of service of the loan. More information could also be found online through financing websites or classes.

Can expenses preparing a house for sale be deducted if foreclosure occurs?

Deducted from what? If a house is sold at foreclosure, expenses related to preparing the house for a normal sale are not relevant. Generally, expenses to prepare a house for a voluntary sale are not recovered in the sale, except for a few markets where demand for houses exceeds the supply, and even then the seller is better off just cleaning up cluttered rooms and making coffee or baking something chocolate while showing the house. If, by some chance, your house sells at auction for more than you owe and the fees for the foreclosure, it is unlikely any of the expenses would qualify as increasing the basis (how much you paid for the house), thus lowering your taxable gain.

Will a bank come after you financially for a foreclosure?

Foreclosure takes care of your loan with the bank, so unless you owe more than your home is worth, you shouldn't have to worry about them coming after your other assets. There are actually companies that will work with you for free to buy your mortgage away from your mortgage company and avoid your foreclosure. I would advise looking into this first.

How long after foreclosure can you buy a house but your credit score are more than 740?

Ask your lender

You want out of your mortgage can you let the house go back to the bank with what consequences?

If you default on your mortgage and go into foreclosure, the bank can seize your house. The consequences are that this is a horrible thing to have on your credit record; it will make it very hard for you to get credit for years to come, and any credit you do get will cost you far more because you'll be offered terrible interest rates. You'll be better off if you can sell your house than if you let the bank take it.

Are foreclosure fees tax deductible?

The answer depends on who paid the foreclosure expenses (bank, owner, trustee, beneficiary) and what the fee is. Need more information. It is always best to check with an accountant or certified public accountant (CPA) on tax deductibility of foreclosure fees.

Why would a homeowner need to hire a foreclosure attorney?

A homeowner may need to hire a foreclosure attorney if they are being foreclosed upon by the bank or lender, or person who provided the mortgage. If a person owes more on his home than the home is worth, the bank may try to foreclose on the home, in which case, one would need a foreclosure attorney.