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Using narrow masking tape to edge the painting and a small brush to cut in to the edge

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Q: What if your painting your room but don't want to paint over a picture you painted on the wall?
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What are you supposed to paint on Counterfeit Island?

Whatever you want. It's yours. You can print it out. _______________________________________________________________ Yeah its realy just for fun you dont beat the island just for painting a picture you have to protect the scream!!!

What can go with painted turtle in a aquarium?

dont paint turtles, it just plain wrong

When painting a watercolor what could the artist use in addition to the paint without it becoming a mixed media painting?

Well, if mixing the paints is an issue, I have a few suggestions that might help: -If you want the paintings to stop mixing, wait for wet parts to dry before moving on to another section. This way the painting looks almost perfect - You can use a divider. Find them at your local craft store. While painting put this divider to your picture (lightly, barely touching) and paint the part you want to paint. The divider seperates the colors from touching and helps u to continue painting. - You can also try using a dry paint brush. I use this technique all the time. When I am painting and I dont want the red and orange to touch while still wet, I paint the orange and then on the edge of the orange I brush it with a dry paintbrush to suck up all the wetness and then I paint the red. Works like a charm. Try it.

What paint did Pierre Auguste Renoir use?

Renoir used oil paint and usually painted on big canvases, however at one point in his life he ran out of paint, and unfortunatly he ran out of money too, so he had to stop using oil paint for a while.

Who was bob ross?

Bob Ross was a artist who painted mostly landscape and nature. He assembled the various components into a beautiful picture.

Would you usually frame a big oil paintings under glass or stretch them but you dont want the paint to crack or discolour?

A large, expensive oil painting should be framed under glass after being stretched on a frame. The paint will last longer if the painting is kept out of direct sunlight.

Who painted the London bridge?

who painted the london bridge??i dont realy know and i dont care

Why was the starry night painted?

Well...I don't know the entire story but here is the basics... While Van Gough(sorry dont know if I spelled that right) was painting he wanted it to be spontaneous. Also when you see the wind your supposed to feel the wind just looking at the brush strokes. While he was painting he said that he could hear the wind and the sky and he just couldn't take it anymore so he cut off his ear. But since he was using paint if you look at the sky color they didn't have that color back then so he had to blend colors. Also if you look at the painting or even a close up picture of it you can see that in some parts paint pops out because he put a lot of layers of color Hoped that help...sorry I don't know a lot

Is it safe to repaint your walls with a 3 month old in the house?

Dont have a medical definitive answer but we do have a 4 month old beautiful girl and we painted in our house when she was 2 months old. This was essential actually as we had moved house and she arrived 4 weeks early! We bought 'Breatheasy' paint and painted first thing in the morning, keeping the windows open and our daughter at the opposite end of the house till at least 5 hours after we finished. She was absolutely fine and there was hardly any odour at all. We bought the paint from Crown. If you need to paint, and there is a young child in the house, you should paint in a well ventilated room. Never let the fumes get to intense. The child should not be in the same room, especially if you are painting with primer, which has more fumes. But after the room has vented for 2 hours after painting it's fine to let them be in the room. Good luck.

How do you clean a painted turtles habitat?

you dont

Are Hermit crabs in danger of being endangered?

Soon they will! Board walks dont care for hermies and overcrowd the wrong type of tanks, little water thats not distilled, little food, and Painted SHELLS. Painted shells are toxic to hermies because the paint will chip off and they will eat it and die, no matter what they say, painted shells are always toxic.