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MCH is the abbreviated form of mean cell hemoglobin, or the average amount of hemoglobin in the average red cell. MCH is part of the complete blood count and a normal amount of hemoglobin in a red cell is considered to be 27-32 picograms. MCHC is mean cell hemoglobin concentration, or the average concentration of hemoglobin in a given volume of blood. MCHC is also part of the complete blood count and a normal concentration of hemoglobin is considered to be 32-36%.

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MCH stands for mean corpuscular hemoglobin, which measures the average amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cells. MCHC stands for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, which measures the concentration of hemoglobin in a given volume of packed red blood cells. Both are important parameters used in the analysis of red blood cells in a complete blood count (CBC) test.

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What does that mean if you MCH test is high?

That is not possible. There is something wrong with your results. Tell your MLT/MT to rerun your CBC/MCH test. Spherocytes can cause MCH/MCHC to go high, but it is impossible. Spherocyte is a small red blood cell that have no central pallor

What is the difference between MCH and MCHC?

MCHC it's how much of the volume in one erythrocyte is occupied by meoglobin. MCHC=(Hb%/pcv%) *100 normal value = 30%-38% while MCV it's the amount of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte. mcv = (pcv/RBCs)*10 normal value 27-32pg (picogram)

In macrocytic anemia why the MCH is in normal range?

well, that's what i understand and am not an expert there is nuclear cytoplasmic dissociation in which the immaturity is for the nucleus only but the cytoplasmic organelle are mature folate is needed in production of thymine (purely DNA) but to get RNA you dont need it uracil) so you will have mature cytoplasm in which HG is normally formed (not arrested) MCHC is normal but MCH is elevated coz MCH is dividing the HG by RBC count which will give you the HG per cell,, which is higher simply because you have a larger space (big cell) but MCHC is not elevated (not hyperchromic) hope it helped Mansour

Complete blood picture?

its laboratory techniqe which includes quantification of cellular components of has Hb,haematocrit,rbc count,MCV,MCH,MCHC,total & differential leukocyte count,platelet count

What MCHC value should plasma saline replacement be performed?

Saline replacement should only be used if all other measures have failed. If you have a lipemic sample, plasma HGB should be used to correct the HGB, MCHC, and MCH. If you hae a cold agglutinin, then the sample should be warmed and re-run. If the cold agglutinin will not warm out, then saline replacement should be considered.

What does a low level of MCHC MEAN?

MCHC(mean corpuscular hb conc.)low level is found in microcytic hypochromic anaemia.

Is there any difference between Haemogram and Complete Blood Count?

A complete blood picture measures everything from haemoglobin to WBCs to the number of platelets, etc per volume of blood. A haemogram includes few more parameters like PCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, etc.

What does a high MCH Lab test reveal?


What does a Low MCHC count mean?

My MCHC test came back 31.6 is this a concern it says the range is 31.8-35.4

What influence does the patient's history have on an increased MCHC?

Increased MCHC could be indicative of hereditary spherocytosis. A family history of the this disorder can help in diagnosis. Other causes of increased MCHC are hemolysis, lipemia, and cellular dehydration syndromes.

What are the results of a CBC test of someone with Cystic Fibrosis?

RBC-4.74 Hb-13.9 Hematocrit-39.1 MCV-82.4 MCH-29.3 MCHC-35.5 WBC-12300 Neutrophils-24 Lymphocytes-71 Monocytes-3 Eosinophils-2 Basophils-0 Platelets-321000 Glucose-88

What does a high MCH mean?

normal range of mch is 27-32pg. mch means corpuscular hemoglobin. i think it can be high in polycythemia.