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Q: What is PTR on a warrant?
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// Return true if str is a palindrome bool is_palindrome (char* str) { int len; char* cpy; char* ptr; bool b; len = strlen (str); if (!len) return false; cpy = malloc (sizeof(char) * (len + 1)); ptr = cpy; while (*ptr=*str) { if (*ptr>='A' *ptr<='Z') *ptr+=('a'-'A'); if ((*ptr>='a' && *ptr<='z') (*ptr>='0' && *ptr<='9')) { ++ptr; } ++str; } *ptr = '\0'; --ptr; str = cpy; while ((cpy!=ptr) && (cpy!=(ptr+1)) && (*cpy==*ptr)) { ++cpy; --ptr; } b = (*cpy==*ptr); free (str); return b; }

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A function that calls itself. Example: ProcessList (list *ptr) { if (ptr!=NULL) { DoSomething (ptr->data); ProcessList (ptr->next); } }

What is the effect of various arithmetic operators on a pointers?

Error message, mainly. The following operations are legal: ptr + integer (pointer) ptr - integer (pointer) ptr - ptr (integer)

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PTR Industries manufactures machine gun rifles for law-enforcement, military, and even regular civilians. Some of their models include the PTR Classic Wood, the PTR MSG91C, and the PTR SFR.

Wap to sorting the element of the array?

void main() { int i,j,temp1,temp2; int arr[8]={5,3,0,2,12,1,33,2}; int *ptr; for(i=0;i<7;i++) { for(j=0;j<7-i;j++) { if(*(arr+j)>*(arr+j+1)) { ptr=arr+j; temp1=*ptr++; temp2=*ptr; *ptr--=temp1; *ptr=temp2; clrscr(); for(i=0;i<8;i++) printf(" %d",arr[i]); getch(); }

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simple intrest=ptr/100: simple intrest=ptr/100:

Write a program to implement priority queue in C?

A priority queue is a type of data structure that allows for elements to be inserted in any order, and to be retrieved in the order of some priority, defined by the creator. It can be implemented in any programming language, including C. For more details, see related links.

How do you get on AQWorlds ptr server?

PTR doesn't exsist anymore Artix Entertainment shut it down for good.

What operator enables you to access structures members using pointers to the structure?

(*ptr).field or ptr->field

8085 ALP to perform 32 bit binary addition?

.model small.stack 32.codemov ax, @datamov ds, axmov ax, word ptr(num1)add ax, word ptr(num2)mov word ptr(res), axmov ax, word ptr(num1+2)adc ax, word ptr(num2+2)mov word ptr(res+2), axint 3h.datanum1 dd 22334455hnum2 dd 66778899hres dd ?end

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Why was it that Blizzard GMs decided to come and play on the PTR that one time?

It was because that is what they do sometimes on the PTR. Sometimes they will just decide to come and play with the regular people on the PTR for a bit of fun to test stuff.