

What is Wiccas holyscprit?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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The closet thing to a Wiccan's "Holy Script" is the Wiccan Rede; An it harm none, do what thou will. This basically means as long as you do not harm anyone(mentally and physically and including yourself) in the process you may do whatever you like. It is not a set of rules like the Ten Commandments but instead like a guidline.

The ending of the Rede states, Bide by the Wiccan law ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust; follow the rede with respect to each other.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of prayer in school?

AnswerAdvantagesThose who wish to say a quiet, private prayer to the god of their choice, and in the manner of their choice, can do so in the knowledge that their god will look over them.In times of stress, let's say during exams, a quiet and private prayer may assist a student to cope.DisadvantagesThere are probably no disadvantages to silent prayer conducted in private, as long as this does not distract the student from the lesson in hand. Public prayer has many disadvantages, not the least that it is illegal in public schools in the United States.Prayer to the Christian God would leave non-Christians feeling disadvantaged. The only fair and proper solution to this would be to provide equal time and attention to the beliefs of each other faith. So there would need to be Hindu observances (in schools with Hindus present), Buddhist observances, Muslim observances, and possibly even Jewish ones - each given equal time and attention as the Christian ones. Even Wiccas should be catered for in the same way. Then there needs to be time for schoolwork!It would be difficult to respect the beliefs of those who do not believe in any God, if there is mandatory prayer. And it would take considerable leadership skills on the part of teachers to encourage all atheists (some of whom would not have been willing to declare their beliefs) to absent themselves from prayer sessions. To say that the beliefs of atheists do not deserve respect is, at the very least, undemocratic and against accepted human rights.The objections to prayer in American schools were first raised by minority Christian groups who do not accept majority Christian forms of worship. The courts have ruled that this must be respected.

Did witches exist?

Yes. "Witchcraft" is nothing more than using the powers of the mind to manifest your desires in reality. The ancient people who worshiped the old gods (Zeus, Amon Ra, Odin, Thor, Aphrodite, etc.) knew this well, since their lives were based upon nature. There were many deities who instructed mankind on the ways of witchcraft. Christianity turned these original gods into the "Demons of Hell" and made witchcraft "evil" in order to gain complete control of society and scare people away from this ancient knowledge.

What are some six letter words with 4th letter C?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 633 words with the pattern ---C--. That is, six letter words with 4th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are: abacas abacus acacia aesces alecks amices amicus amucks anicca anicut apache apical apices arccos arecas ashcan atocia avocet baccae baccas baccos bancos barcas beachy beacon beechy benchy bitchy blacks blocks blocky bobcat boccas bocces boccia boccie boccis bonces boocoo bosche botchy bouche boucle boxcar braced bracer braces brachs bracks bracts bricht bricks bricky broche brocho brochs brocks brucin buccal bunced bunces bunchy buncos caecal caecum calcar calced calces calcic cancan cancel cancer cancha carcel cascos catcht catchy caucus cercal cercis cercus chaced chaces chacks chacma chacos checks checky chicas chicer chicha chichi chicks chicle chicly chicon chicos choccy chocho chocko chocks chocos chucks chucky circar circle circus ciscos clachs clacks cleche clecks clecky cliche clicks cloche clocks clucks clucky coachy coacts coccal coccic coccid coccos coccus coccyx concha conche concho conchs conchy concur coocoo coucal couche cracka cracks cracky creche cricks cricky croche crocks crocus cruces crucks cuscus cutcha danced dancer dances dancey darcys datcha deacon deccie deiced deicer deices descry deuced deuces diacid discal disced discos discus dolces dooced doocot dotcom doucer doucet douche drachm drecks drecky drices dulcet dunces earcon eatche edicts educed educes educts eggcup ejecta ejects elects eliche elicit eltchi enacts epacts epical epocha epochs erects ericas ericks erucic eructs evicts exacta exacts exacum eyecup faecal faeces falces falcon farced farcer farces farcie farcin fasces fascia fascio fascis faucal fauces faucet fenced fencer fences fescue fiacre fincas fiscal fitche fitchy flacks flacon fleche flecks flecky flicks flocci flocks flocky forcat forced forcer forces fracas fracti fracts fricht frocks fulcra furcae furcal garcon gascon gauche gaucho gaucie gelcap gilcup glaces glacis glucan glycan glycin glycol glycyl gotcha graced graces greces griced gricer grices grocer gryces guacos haicks hances hepcat heuchs hiccup hitchy hoicks honcho hubcap ibices icecap icicle ilices ipecac juiced juicer juices juncos juncus kaccha kimchi kincob klicks knacks knacky knicks knocks kutcha kwacha kyacks laical laichs lanced lancer lances lancet lascar lauchs leachy leucin litchi lorcha louche madcap manche mancus marcel mascle mascon mascot meccas mercat mercer merces mescal mezcal midcap minced mincer minces mirchi miscue miscut mobcap morcha mudcap mudcat mulcts muscae muscat muscid muscle muscly nances narcos neocon niacin nieces nincom nincum nonces noncom notchy nuncio nuncle obeche ocicat offcut oilcan oilcup onycha orache oracle ounces outcry pances parcel pascal patchy paucal peaced peaces peachy peacod peeces pencel pences pencil perced percen perces phocae phocas pieced piecen piecer pieces pincer piscos pitchy placed placer places placet placid placit placks plicae plical plucks plucky poachy ponced ponces poncey poncho potche pouchy precis precut priced pricer prices pricey pricks pricky psocid psyche psycho psychs punced punces punchy puncta puncto quacks quacky quiche quicks ramcat ranced rancel rances rancho rancid rancor rascal raucid raucle reacts recced recces reccos redcap reecho reechy rescue romcom roscid roscoe rotche rouche roucou ruscus saccoi saccos saices saicks sancai sancho sancta sauced saucer sauces sauchs seccos seiche shacko shacks shocks shtchi shucks siccan siccar sicced siecle sircar sitcom skycap slacks sliced slicer slices slicks smacks smocks snacks snecks snicks soccer sonces soucar souced souces sowcar sowced sowces spaced spacer spaces spacey speccy specie specks specky spicae spicas spiced spicer spices spicey spicks stacks stacte stichs sticks sticky stocks stocky stucco stucks succah succes succor succos succot succus sulcal sulcus synced synchs syncom talced talcky talcum tarcel teacup telcos tercel terces tercet tercio tetchy thacks thecae thecal thicko thicks thicky ticced tincal tincts tipcat titchy toecap tomcat tomcod torchy toucan touche touchy traced tracer traces tracks tracts trecks tricar triced tricep trices tricks tricky tricot trocar troche trochi trocks truced truces trucks tusche twicer ulicon urachi uracil velcro vetchy vincas viscid viscin viscum viscus voiced voicer voices vulcan waucht webcam whacko whacks whacky wiccan wiccas winced wincer winces wincey witchy wracks wrecks wricks yaccas yarcos yecchs yoicks yuccas zinced zincic zincky zincos zircon zoccos zoecia

How is one changed into a werewolf?

there are many ways to become one i am not one but have researched into the matter very deeply the most common and most effective way is witch-craft i would suggest finding a goth shop and asking the owner if they know of any wiccas but be carefull it may be a touchy matter and incase you don't fancy that then:Most legends have had some basis in fact, and the legend of the werewolf is no exception. However the werewolf of popular fantasy/horror novels and films is an imaginary beast, based on extravagant interpretations of past superstitions.Wolves have been both feared and worshipped by past civilisations. The Ancient Egyptians feared the wolf god Ap-uat, who was associated with the Lord of the Dead. Ancient Greeks believed that wolves were sacred to Apollo and Ares, and a bronze statue of a wolf ornamented the oracle at Delphi. The legend of the founding of Rome is well known, with the abandoned twin babies Romulus and Remus being saved and succored by a wolf. Being suckled by a wolf is a notion that persisted into the Celtic civilisations, a legendary King of Ireland supposedly nurtured in this way. One Irish tribe claimed to be descended from a wolf.The werewolf story has roots at least as far back as the Ancient Romans. One of Ovid's shape-shifting stories tells of a King of Arcadia who turned into a wolf. This was a punishment because he tried to trick the god Jupiter into eating human flesh. Other ancient Greek writers including Herodotus and Pliny wrote about shape-shifting human/wolves.What could have led to such stories in the first place? There are various theories. The legend is too widespread and has been so for too long a time to have no basis in fact at all.A rare genetic mutation can produce excessive body hair, in females as much as males. Varieties of this disorder were probably responsible for the unfortunate 'bearded ladies' and 'wolfmen' in travelling freak shows in less enlightened times than ours. It is a mutation of the X chromosome so can be passed to future generations by either parent. It is easy to see how such conditions could have frightened people in past centuries, especially in remote country areas (where inbreeding could have led to an intensification of the disorder).Lycanthropic Disorder is a mental illness which causes the victim to believe that they are actually a werewolf. If someone truly believes that they turn into a werewolf under the full moon, they may be capable of committing crimes consistent with this delusion - thus perpetrating the werewolf legend into modern times.Ergot, the fungus which frequently affected the grains that were used to make bread throughout Europe for many centuries, is well known for its hallucinogenic properties. In a modern case in France in 1951, over 100 people suffered from ergot poisoning after eating bread made from infected rye. Many of them suffered from hallucinations about being attacked by or turning into wild animals. Such poisoning could have been another cause for the development of the werewolf myth.One final possibility lies in the diseases Rabies and Porphyria. Rabies, however, only lasts for a short while once the symptoms have developed, and then the victim dies. Rabies might have caused victims to briefly take on the appearance of a mad beast, but they would not lived to attack beyond this short timeframe. Porphyria, if untreated, leads to extreme sensitivity to light and degredation of the skin, thus producing a victim who rarely ventures out before nightfall and whose physical appearance is sinister. Mental disturbances accompany the physical symptoms. This disease is also genetic and therefore could have given rise to the notion of cursed families, as it often does not manifest until an age whereby the victim would have reproduced.There have been a few celebrated cases of feral children, such as inspired Mowgli in The Jungle Book. Many cases have been reported over the centuries but there is little documentary evidence for most of them. However some have been documented, in which children have been found in the depths of the jungle or forest, apparently having been raised by wolves, and then returned the human civilization (usually by missionaries or other religious people). These children seen to have retained a propensity to run on all fours rather than walk upright, to eat raw meat rather than cooked meals, and have extreme problems learning any human language. It is difficult to say whether the children already had a mental disorder, whether one was induced by their upbringing, or anything else about them. But they undoubtedly add another thread to the enduring notion of the werewolf.Just how enduring this legend is can be well born out by the proliferation of popular novels, films and television programmes about werewolves. And a quick Internet search on werewolves throws up a wide variety of sites, some dealing with legends and possible causes such as outlined above - and some apparently written for werewolves, by werewolves!Ask one to bite you. It WILL work, especially ones that don't consider themselves freaks or cursed. If you get one angry (enough) at you, it will at least TRY kill you.There are definitely a few ways to become one. I am not one but have researched into the matter very deeply the most common and most effective way is witchcraft. I would suggest finding a goth shop and asking the owner if they know of any wicca's, but be careful it may be a touchy matter. And some one just stole my answer so watch out!(I'm crudman)- Artemiswolf - I am not a werewolf, and I don't know for sure, but I've heard that the seventh born child (who is male) will become a werewolf. Also, there is a story that if you are born on Dec. 24th you'll be born a werewolf. There are many theories on how to become a werewolf after you are born human, but I don't take most of them seriously since it sounds stupid. There's one obvious way to be born a werewolf; your parents are werewolves. - Artemiswolf -

What are all science words that begin with the letter w?

Plenty of options to choose from: Wabble Wabbly Wacker Wackes Wackos Wadded Wadder Waddie Waddle Waddly Waders Wadies Wading Wadmal Wadmel Wadmol Wadset Waeful Wafers Wafery Waffed Waffie Waffle Waffly Wafted Wafter Wagers Wagged Wagger Waggle Waggly Waggon Waging Wagons Wahine Wahoos Waifed Wailed Wailer Waired Waists Waited Waiter Waived Waiver Waives Wakame Wakens Wakers Wakiki Waking Walers Walies Waling Walked Walker Walkup Wallah Wallas Walled Wallet Wallie Wallop Wallow Walnut Walrus Wamble Wambly Wammus Wampum Wampus Wander Wandle Wangan Wangle Wangun Wanier Waning Wanion Wanned Wanner Wanted Wanter Wanton Wapiti Wapped Warble Warded Warden Warder Warier Warily Waring Warked Warmed Warmer Warmly Warmth Warmup Warned Warner Warped Warper Warred Warren Warsaw Warsle Warted Wasabi Washed Washer Washes Washup Wasted Waster Wastes Wastry Watape Wataps Waters Watery Watter Wattle Waucht Waught Wauked Wauled Wavers Wavery Waveys Wavier Wavies Wavily Waving Wawled Waxers Waxier Waxily Waxing Waylay Wazoos Weaken Weaker Weakly Weakon Wealds Wealth Weaned Weaner Weapon Wearer Weasel Weason Weaved Weaver Weaves Webbed Webcam Webers Webfed Weblog Wechts Wedded Wedder Wedeln Wedels Wedged Wedges Wedgie Weeded Weeder Weekly Weened Weenie Weensy Weeper Weepie Weeted Weever Weevil Weewee Weighs Weight Weiner Weirdo Weirds Weirdy Welded Welder Weldor Welkin Welled Wellie Welted Welter Wended Weskit Wester Wether Wetted Wetter Whacko Whacks Whacky Whaled Whaler Whales Whammo Whammy Whangs Wharfs Wharve Whaups Wheals Wheats Wheels Wheens Wheeps Wheeze Wheezy Whelks Whelky Whelms Whelps Whenas Whence Wheres Wherry Wherve Wheyey Whidah Whiffs Whiled Whiles Whilom Whilst Whimsy Whined Whiner Whines Whiney Whinge Whinny Whippy Whirls Whirly Whirrs Whirry Whisht Whisks Whisky Whists Whited Whiten Whiter Whites Whitey Whizzy Wholes Wholly Whomps Whomso Whoofs Whoops Whoosh Whored Whores Whorls Whorts Whosis Whumps Whydah Wiccan Wiccas Wiches Wicked Wicker Wicket Wicopy Widder Widdie Widdle Widely Widens Widest Widget Widish Widows Widths Wields Wieldy Wiener Wienie Wifely Wifeys Wifing Wigans Wigeon Wigged Wiggle Wiggly Wights Wiglet Wigwag Wigwam Wikiup Wilded Wilder Wildly Wilful Wilier Wilily Wiling Willed Willer Willet Willie Willow Wilted Wimble Wimmin Wimped Wimple Winced Wincer Winces Wincey Winded Winder Windle Window Windup Winery Winged Winger Winier Wining Winish Winked Winker Winkle Winned Winner Winnow Winoes Winter Wintle Wintry Winzes Wipers Wiping Wirers Wirier Wirily Wiring Wisdom Wisely Wisent Wisest Wished Wisher Wishes Wising Wisped Wissed Wisses Wisted Witans Witchy Withal Withed Wither Withes Within Witing Witney Witted Wittol Wivern Wivers Wiving Wizard Wizens Wizzen Wizzes Woaded Woalds Wobble Wobbly Wodges Woeful Wolfed Wolfer Wolver Wolves Womans Wombat Wombed Womera Wonder Wonned Wonner Wonted Wonton Wooded Wooden Woodie Woodsy Wooers Woofed Woofer Wooing Wooled Woolen Wooler Woolie Woolly Worded Worked Worker Workup Worlds Wormed Wormer Wormil Worrit Worsen Worser Worses Worset Worsts Worths Worthy Wotted Wounds Wovens Wowing Wowser Wracks Wraith Wrangs Wrasse Wraths Wrathy Wreaks Wreath Wrecks Wrench Wrests Wretch Wricks Wriest Wright Wrings Wrists Wristy Writer Writes Writhe Wrongs Wryest Wrying Wursts Wurzel Wusses Wuther Wyches Wyling Wyting Wyvern Wacke Wacko Wacks Wacky Waddy Waded Wader Wades Wadis Wafer Waffs Wafts Waged Wager Wages Wagon Wahoo Waifs Wails Wains Wairs Waist Waits Waive Waked Waken Waker Wakes Waled Waler Wales Walks Walla Walls Wally Waltz Wames Wamus Wands Waned Wanes Waney Wanly Wants Wards Wared Wares Warks Warms Warns Warps Warts Warty Washy Wasps Waspy Waste Wasts Watap Watch Water Watts Waugh Wauks Wauls Waved Waver Waves Wavey Wawls Waxed Waxen Waxer Waxes Wazoo Weald Weals Weans Wears Weary Weave Webby Weber Wecht Wedel Wedge Wedgy Weeds Weedy Weeks Weens Weeny Weeps Weepy Weest Weets Wefts Weigh Weird Weirs Wekas Welch Welds Wells Welly Welsh Welts Wench Wends Wenny Wests Wetly Whack Whale Whamo Whams Whang Whaps Wharf Whats Whaup Wheal Wheat Wheel Wheen Wheep Whelk Whelm Whelp Whens Where Whets Whews Wheys Which Whids Whiff Whigs While Whims Whine Whins Whiny Whips Whipt Whirl Whirr Whirs Whish Whisk Whist White Whits Whity Whizz Whole Whomp Whoof Whoop Whops Whore Whorl Whort Whose Whoso Whump Whups Wicca Wicks Widdy Widen Wider Wides Widow Width Wield Wifed Wifes Wifey Wifty Wigan Wiggy Wight Wilco Wilds Wiled Wiles Wills Willy Wilts Wimps Wimpy Wince Winch Winds Windy Wined Wines Winey Wings Wingy Winks Winos Winze Wiped Wiper Wipes Wired Wirer Wires Wirra Wised Wiser Wises Wisha Wisps Wispy Wists Witan Witch Wited Wites Withe Withy Witty Wived Wiver Wives Wizen Wizes Woads Woald Wodge Woful Woken Wolds Wolfs Woman Wombs Womby Women Womyn Wonks Wonky Wonts Woods Woody Wooed Wooer Woofs Wools Wooly Woops Woosh Woozy Words Wordy Works World Worms Wormy Worry Worse Worst Worth Worts Would Wound Woven Wowed Wrack Wrang Wraps Wrapt Wrath Wreak Wreck Wrens Wrest Wrick Wried Wrier Wries Wring Wrist Write Writs Wrong Wrote Wroth Wrung Wryer Wryly Wurst Wushu Wussy Wyled Wyles Wynds Wynns Wyted Wytes Wabs Wack Wade Wadi Wads Wady Waes Waff Waft Wage Wags Waif Wail Wain Wair Wait Wake Wale Walk Wall Waly Wame Wand Wane Wans Want Wany Waps Ward Ware Wark Warm Warn Warp Wars Wart Wary Wash Wasp Wast Wats Watt Wauk Waul Waur Wave Wavy Wawl Waws Waxy Ways Weak Weal Wean Wear Webs Weds Weed Week Weel Ween Weep Weer Wees Weet Weft Weir Weka Weld Well Welt Wend Wens Went Wept Were Wert West Wets Wham Whap What Whee When Whet Whew Whey Whid Whig Whim Whin Whip Whir Whit Whiz Whoa Whom Whop Whup Whys Wich Wick Wide Wife Wigs Wild Wile Will Wilt Wily Wimp Wind Wine Wing Wink Wino Wins Winy Wipe Wire Wiry Wise Wish Wisp Wiss Wist Wite With Wits Wive Woad Woes Wogs Woke Woks Wold Wolf Womb Wonk Wons Wont Wood Woof Wool Woos Wops Word Wore Work Worm Worn Wort Wost Wots Wove Wows Wrap Wren Writ Wuss Wych Wyes Wyle Wynd Wynn Wyns Wyte Wab Wad Wae Wag Wan Wap War Was Wat Waw Wax Way Web Wed Wee Wen Wet Wha Who Why Wig Win Wis Wit Wiz Woe Wog Wok Won Woo Wop Wos Wot Wow Wry Wud Wye Wyn