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Might be ringworm.

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Q: What is a big red circle rash litke on the crease of her neck what could it be?
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I have a red circle that is raised on the edges it is one inch in diameter and on my neck what could this be?

An insect bite could cause?æ one inch diameter red circle that has raised edges. It could be from a spider.

What do you call the pressure point in your neck that makes you pass out?

Vegas nerve....its on the both sides of neck, just an inch below the ears... It is not one little spot you have to hunt for, but rather a long nerve that runs down the length of the neck and pressing down anywhere in that area affects the nerve.

Are there any side effects for down syndrome?

The most common symptoms of Down syndrome are, a short stature in the neck, weak muscles, a wide, short neck with excess fat and/or skin, a single crease along the palm of the child's hands pesrons hands.

How do you wring a chickens neck?

To wring a chickens neck for eating someone takes the chicken by the head or neck and swing them in a circle in front of them, When the head pops off the chicken will run a bit.

Why handkerchiefs r square and not round?

because there will be no straps and it is hard to put a circle around your neck

Can a brontosaurus spin his head in a circle?

Sauropods' necks were not as flexible as they are usually portrayed in television. Sauropods could move their neck and head from side to side or somewhat up and down, but they definitely couldn't rotate their head around or turn their neck into a U-shape in order to look over their shoulder.

What happens when you fall on your neck?

you could break your neck, become paralyzed, and/or die.

If you got kissed on your neck could you get a passion mark?

A hickey is formed from them sucking on your neck and yes you could if you felt him sucking.

What major league baseball player was hit in the neck with a bat?

Los Angeles Dodger's catcher Steve Yeager was hit in the neck while on the on-deck circle when the batter's bat broke and the barrel end struck Yearger in the neck.

Does an owl have a neck bone?

An owl has fourteen very flexible neck bones. Because of this they can turn their head two hundred and seventy degrees in either direction which is almost a full circle. In comparison, humans have seven neck bones.

What year did the Kennedy half dollar neck crease start show up?

1964. It's allways been part of the obverse design. It is harder to see on coins with heavy wear and coins that have weak strikes.

When a horse moves in a circle bending occurs only in the neck?

Horses move their hips when they move in a circle. They do this by using pivoting joints. The ability to turn easily prevents them from getting hurt.