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Transformation, as seen in Griffith's 1928 Experiment with mice.

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5h ago

Horizontal gene transfer is the process of genetic material being transferred between organisms that are not parent and offspring. This transfer can lead to changes in both the genotype (genetic makeup) and phenotype (observable characteristics) of the receiving organism.

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Q: What is a change in genotype and phenotype due to assimilation of external DNA called?
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What are an individual's observable traits called?

genotype or phenotype

What is a physical expression of a genotype?

a physical expression of a genotype is called PHENOTYPE

What we call the observable expression of genes present in an organism?

When genes are expressed, the result is called phenotype. What is actually in all the genes (some are recessive) is called the genotype.

The physical expression of the genotype is called?

The physical expression of the genotype is called the phenotype. It refers to the observable characteristics or traits of an organism, such as its appearance, behavior, or other measurable features.

The actual gene makeup of an organism is its what?

The overall genetic makeup is called its genotype.

What an organism looks like as a result of a gene is called?

a phenotype is the physical characteristics of an organism based on its genotype.

What is it called when the genotype becomes expressed as phenotype?

This is called gene expression, where genes are transcribed and translated into proteins, leading to the manifestation of specific traits in an organism.

What is the physical appearance of an organism's traits?

An organism's physical appearance is its phenotype. This is distinct from its genetic makeup, called its genotype.

What an organism looks like as a result of its genes is called what?

a phenotype is the physical characteristics of an organism based on its genotype.

What is organism physical appearance?

An organism's physical appearance is its phenotype. This is distinct from its genetic makeup, called its genotype.

What an organism looks like as a result of its genes is called .?

a phenotype is the physical characteristics of an organism based on its genotype.

What is An organisms physical appearance is?

An organism's physical appearance is its phenotype. This is distinct from its genetic makeup, called its genotype.