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The African violet's botanical name is Saintpaulia and it originated from Africa where it is very tropical. African violets grow as single stemmed multiple stemmed plants. Some trailing varities trail over the pot. Flowers come in an array of colors of: yellow, peach, rose, pink, fushia, purple, plum, lavender, blue, white and many colors en between. Blossoms come in single, semi doub, double, wasp (looks like an insect), Chimera or pinwheel, multicolored blossoms. Its very interesting to grow African violets.

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A miniature violet is recognized by the African violet association to measure not larger than 6 inches in diameter.

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What is the skeletal structure of African violet?

African violets are grown to show as a single crowned specemin in standard, large, miniature sizes. There are also trailing multiple crowned varieties. African violets are very much, full of liquid.

Why do some African violets grow so large?

These are the African violet classifications; There are: standard which include large growers 8-16 inches diameter, miniature not over 6 inches in diameter, semi miniatures not over 8 inches in diameter, trailing, there are no size limits at this time. These are recognized by the African violet association.

What is a flower found in a garden that starts with E in 1854?

Answer Here is an African violet miniature variety that starts with an E but not in 1854, it was hybridized in 1983 Everdina (H. Inpijn/R. Nadeau) (5566) 09/30/1983 Double lavender/violet-blue fantasy. Medium green, plain, pointed. Miniature.

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These are not related to the African violet family, they are in the lily family.

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the african violet

What is the significance of an African violet?

It's a symbol of sweetness and appreciation.

Is there such a thing as trailing African violets?

Yes, a trailing African violet is in the "Trailer" classificatiion, these produce multiple crowns as apposed to single crown African violets. Trailers are classified as miniature, semiminiature or standards. These trailing violets may or may not trail over the sides of the pot. Some are the bushy type, trailing, or some just grow out the side of the pot.

What is an African violet classified as?

Usually African violets are classified as flowering indoor houseplants.

What is the African violets nickname?

African violet is the common name the proper name is Saintpaulia.

Does African violet reproduce by root cutting?

African violets are propogated by leaf cuttings.

What is the African violet's name?

An African violet is a one crowned plant that produces beautiful flowers at around 6 months. An array of colors from yellow, pink,blue-purple, red, rose and much more. There are also trailing types of African violets.