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A structural analogy for ribosomes is a crumpled piece of paper.

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Q: What is a structural analogy for ribosomes?
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An analogy for ribosomes in a football field?

the ribosomes delivers protein to the cells so the ribosomes would be the guard.

What is a cell city analogy for a ribosomes?

A city cell analogy for ribosomes is a restaurant. It provides the citizens with protein just ribosomes which provide nutrients for the cell. Hope this helped!

What is the ribosome for analogy?

ribosomes i think are like when a fish hooks onto it

What would a vesicle be in a city?

depends on what the "ribosomes" are. if people are the ribosomes, the best analogy for transport vesicles would be cabs.

What is an analogy to ribosomes in a school?

it is the lunch lady

What are some analogy for Ribosomes?

A good analogy for a ribosome would be a cook. Cooks make food for restaurants, ribosomes help make proteins for the cell.

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Does a nucleolus give structural support to a cell?

nope , the nucleoulus makes ribosomes wich produce proteins. The cell membrane, cell wall, and the cytoskeleton, give structural suppport to the cell

Analogy for free ribosome?

Ribosomes are similar to factories. They produce things that are needed and serve a purpose. It works like an assembly line.

What structural feature distinguishes smooth ER from rough ER?

The rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not.

What item is like cytoskeleton?

A steel rebar, wire-rod, T-bar and I-bar frame elements are a analogy of cytoskeletal structural function

What cellular function are ribosomes involved in?

they are involved in the structural organization of a large globules. the lipid organelle is completely eliminates waste to perform a set of related tasks.