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Depending what you are looking for, de most comen is NOVEL

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Q: What is a traditional Scandinavian story form called?
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What is the traditional Scandinavian story form called?

The traditional Scandinavian story form is called a "saga." These narratives typically recount heroic tales of legendary figures and historical events in a prose format. Sagas often blend myth, legend, and history to provide a cultural and historical record of the Scandinavian people.

What is the traditional Scandinavian story form?

An Edda or Saga

What is a traditional Christmas short story?

One traditional Christmas short story is "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry. It tells the story of a young couple who sacrifice their most prized possessions to buy gifts for each other. The story emphasizes the message of love, selflessness, and sacrifice during the holiday season.

What are Scandinavian highlands?

The Scandinavian Highlands form part of the border between Norway and Sweden. They are highlands, hence the name.

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What peninsula contains both Norway and Sweden?

Yes, the countries of Sweden and Norway form the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Is Pollyanna a traditional story?

It was written ( book form) in the twentieth century as an Auto accident figures in the plot!

What is a long story poem?

A long story poem is a narrative poem that tells a story with a beginning, middle, and end. It typically has a plot, characters, and setting like a traditional story, but is written in verse form. Examples include epics like "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey."

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Kurathiyattom is a traditional art form in Kerala which portrays the story of Kuravan and Kurathi (Lord Siva and Parvathi in disguise).

What is the form called when a character or narrator tells a story within the story?

third person point of view Frame story

What is a traditional Japanese form of verse with 3 lines?

It's called a haiku (俳句)