

What is an eye infection?

Updated: 11/19/2022
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14y ago

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There are different types of eye infections. There is one specific one people are very familiar with called the thist. the thist is a ball that grows on your eye and gets bigger a little everyday. The thist is also a pain for many people. Some tips: If you have a thist try not to get close to gases or fumes that could irritate the thist. Also try not to cut stuff or foods in particular like onions for this could cause excruciating pain and some annoying, but uncontrollable cries or screams. If you have to cut onions walk away from the onions for about a minute every 2 minutes but this does not ensure that you wont scream or cry.

-Eye infection is just like your skin ( except it's permeant sometimes ) it gets infected . Its when germs/bacteria goes in your eye . Contact lens can get your eye infected .

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To tell if you have an eye infection, you may want to look around your eye. If it is red, or oozing anything at all, clear or otherwise, you may have an eye infection.

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What part of the eye does the bacterial infection pink eye?

The conjunctiva of the eye (the white).

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A pus pocket under the eye lid can form if if there is an infection in and around the eye.

Can you wear contact lenses a day before you go back to the eye doctor during an eye infection?

if you have an eye infection you shouldn't be wearing contact lenses.

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What are signs of an eye infection?

There are many things you should watch for when trying to identify an eye infection. The most obvious thing to look for is if you have pain in your eyes. If your eyes are sensitive to the light this could be a sign of an eye infection also.