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the International Dateline

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Q: What is an imaginary line in the pacific ocean that separates days?
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What is imaginary line in the pacific ocean that separates days?

the international date line

Where international date line located?

the international date line sits on the 180 0 line of longitude in the middle of the Pacific Ocean , and is the imaginary line that separates two consecative calendar days

How does the international date line?

The International Date Line is a fake line that runs through the Pacific Ocean. This line separates calendar days so that they do not overlap.

How does the international date work?

The International Date Line is a fake line that runs through the Pacific Ocean. This line separates calendar days so that they do not overlap.

How many days would it take for a sailboat to sail over the pacific ocean?

17 days

What is the line that divides the calendar days?

The international date line in the Pacific Ocean.

What is the rought a ship travels from the pacific ocean to the port of settle would take?

6 days sweet heart.or6 days dude.

What's the thing that Magellan underestimate its size?

Ferdinand Magellan underestimated the size of the Pacific Ocean and thought that the Spice Islands were only a few days away. However, the voyage lasted about four months. Magellan was the first to circumnavigate the world and cross the Pacific. He set out on this expedition voyage in 1519.

How long does it take a cargo ship to cross the pacific ocean?

about 2 weeks, 14 days

How does the international date line works?

The International Date Line is a fake line that runs through the Pacific Ocean. This line separates calendar days so that they do not overlap.

Where can you find the international date line?

the north pole, the south pole, and and in between the eastern and western hemisphere's of the world. opposite the 0o meridian that runs through Greenwich. For part of its length, the International Date Line follows the meridian of 180° longitude, roughly down the middle of the Pacific Ocean. To avoid crossing nations internally, however, the line deviates to pass around the far east of Russia and various island groups in the Pacific.

What body of water separates Alaska and soviet union?

The Bering Strait is a body of water about 82 kilometers wide at the nearest point. It separates Alaska in North America from Russia (or whatever it is called these days) in Asia.Some scientists believe that at some time in the past this area was a connecting bridge (of land or a glacier) that allowed prehistoric people to migrate from Asia to the western hemisphere.