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An intelligent being is one that can be a master observer, meaning that they pick up on things that others don't. Intelligent doesn't necassarily mean i child prodigy, or you can master all subjects in school. It is being aware of what's around and being aware of yourself.

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An intelligent being is an entity capable of learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and adapting to new situations. It possesses the ability to process information, make decisions, and demonstrate understanding and creativity in various contexts. Intelligence can manifest in different forms and levels across species.

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Some disadvantages of being intelligent may include feeling isolated or misunderstood by others, experiencing higher levels of stress or anxiety due to overthinking, and struggling with perfectionism or high expectations from oneself and others. Additionally, being highly intelligent may lead to increased pressure to constantly perform or excel in various aspects of life.

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The most complex and intelligent vertebrate is Homo sapien, otherwise known as a human being.

What career path did Albert Einstein take?

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because humans are the intelligent creature.