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If you are referring to an overlock sewing machine, it will cut the edges of the cloth as they are fed through. Also known as a serger.

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Q: What is an overlock machine used for?
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Related questions

Where can one purchase an overlock sewing machine?

One can purchase an overlock sewing machine from a number of physical and online sources. Companies like Amazon and eBay sell these types of products for example.

The type of machine that uses a needle that goes from side to side is?

The machine that has a needle that goes from side to side is an overlock serger. It is used to prevent fabric from fraying.

Do you need a sewing machine if you have an overlock machine?

Yes, you still need a sewing machine, as the overlock machine is designed simply to finish the edges of the fabric. Overlock machines do not go backwards, turn, zigzag, or anything stitch functions that you may need (depending on what you are sewing) You do not absolutely need a sewing machine if it's a quick and easy project (such as a repair, or a pillow), but for everyday use, you need both.

How do I thread a overlock machine or serger?

An overlock machine is designed to do this job. However you can do overlock by using the zig zag stitch. When sewing edge of garment bring stitching right to the end to create an overlock stitch.

What's the best way to remove overlock stitching?

With a seam ripper and lots of patience. Remember, an overlock (or serger) machine uses up to 4 threads at one time.

What are the loopers in a sewing machine?

Normally, you don't find loopers in a sewing machine but on a serger or overlock machine. They bind the edges of a seam to finish it off.

Can an overlocker sewing machine be used as an alternative to the basic sewing machine?

Not really. An overlock machine, or serger, sews, trims and finishes a seam all in one pass. They are great for knits. A sewing machine is good for seams too, but can also do other things, like sew on a pocket, or add a zipper. they complement each others abilities, and I have one of each. If you can only buy one machine, get a regular sewing machine, you will be able to do an overlock stile in two steps, plus much more!

Where can you buy a nice overlock sewing machines?

A good overlock sewing machine could be purchased on websites, or straight from popular retailers. Amazon, eBay, or Craigslist are good places to start looking if you want a good deal!

What is cone thread?

Cone thread is thread typically used on an overlock "serger" machine. It is thread wound on a cardboard or plastic cone, and is much bigger than a standard thread spool.

What equipment is needed for overlocker sewing?

In order to perform overlocking, which is also referred to as "serging" or "overedging", one will need to purchase an overlock sewing machine, as it has different operating parts from a regular sewing machine.

Can the yarn woolly nylon be used in over lockers to sew on woven fabrics?

Yes, woolly nylon is the right thread to use in overlock machines.

Why do you overlock in sewing?

Locking or overlocking your stitches ensure that the stitches you made don't unravel on you, be it accidental or not.