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consequences that were not supposed to happen. Example: we failed due to unintended consequences.

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Q: What is an unintended and unrecognized consequence element in society?
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Unrecognized and unintended consequences of the social structure are called?

Unrecognized and unintended consequences of the social structure are called social issues or unintended consequences. These can arise from the interactions between different elements of society and have impacts that were not originally anticipated or foreseen by those involved in creating the social structure.

What is The consequence that an element of society produces for the maintenance of its social system?

The consequence that an element of society produces for the maintenance of its social system is known as a social function. These functions can be manifest (intended and recognized) or latent (unintended and unnoticed), and they contribute to the overall stability and equilibrium of the society. Examples include education providing the workforce with necessary skills and family providing emotional support and socialization.

Functions of an institution that unrecognized and unintended consequences of any social pattern are known as?

The functions of an institution that involve recognizing and addressing unintended consequences of a social pattern are known as latent functions. These functions are not obvious and may not be intended, but they can still have significant impacts on society.

What is the intended and recognized consequence of some element of society?

The intended consequence of an element of society refers to the outcome that was deliberately planned or designed for by individuals or institutions. The recognized consequence, on the other hand, is the actual outcome that is observed or acknowledged by society, which may or may not align with the original intention.

How do revolutions improve society?

They bring change, sometimes with unintended consequences.

What is the latent function on family institution in society?

The latent function of the family institution in society refers to the unintended or unrecognized consequences of family structures and interactions. This can include providing emotional support, socialization of values and norms, and serving as a source of identity and belonging for individuals. These functions may not be explicitly stated or acknowledged, but they play a significant role in shaping individuals and communities.

Concepts refers to the consequences of social patterns that are unintended and less well known?

Yes, unintended consequences of social patterns that may have unexpected outcomes or implications. These unintended consequences can arise from various activities, decisions, or policies within society. They are often not well understood or anticipated beforehand.

What term did Robert Merton use to describe human actions that hurt a system society that are usually unintended?

latent functions

What is an unintended effect of emancipation and reconstruction on southern society?

f x c k you i asked you you piece of s h x t

How has the element actinium contributed to your society?

Actinium had any contribution to our society.

What does respectability mean?

respectability means a respectable person . respectable social standing or character, and the state or quality of being respectfulRespectability means that you are a responsible, contributing member of society. That you conduct yourself in your daily life to a degree that , in effect , makes you a role model to those whose lives you touch . A fine example of a civilized human being. It has very little to do with social standing [altho that may be an unintended consequence ].

What was the most important element in African society?
