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Q: What is caused when an injured tendon is inflamed during exercise?
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Caused when an injured tendon is inflamed during exercise?

Sretched or torn

What is caused when a injured tendon is inflamed during exercise?

An inflammation of the tendon is called tendinitis.

What can be caused by anaerobic exercise?

There are many things that can be caused by anaerobic exercise, such as asthma (if you do a lot of anaerobic exercise, but usually it is used wisely, such as there being a runner that does the 100 metre sprint, and he doesn't breathe during that time, but deeply breathes afterwards, because he found that breathing during his 'performance' slows him down.

Why is diet so important to performance and conditioning?

Because foodstuff provide the basic materials needed to generate energy, remove the metabolites caused by exercise and to repair any damage caused during exercise

What process causes heat and redness to occur during the inflammatory process?

chemicals released by the injured tissue cells and leukocytes cause the VASODILATION of the arterioles in the injured area and cause the local hyperemia to form accounting for the redness and heat.

What does lactate cause?

Lactate threshold is caused when lactate production exceeds lactate clearance during exercise or increasing intensity.

Was Jimi Hendrix in the Vietnam war?

No, although Hendrix was a paratrooper in the US Army, prior to embarking on a musical career. He left the military because he was injured during a parachute jump exercise.

How many children were injured in the haiti earthquake?

Five had been injured during the Haiti earthquake.

During exercise muscle cells use what?

During exercise muscle cells use oxygen.

Did any people get injured or killed during the process of the Chrysler Building?

Seven were killed and many were injured .

Mhr should be calculated?

b. during an intense exercise routine

If you were injured during a hit and run what do you do?

Call 911.