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Answering the phone when all others are occupied.

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Q: What is fielding telephone call?
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Can you call people with the telephone?

yes you can call people with a telephone!! who knew!!

When was Telephone Call From Istanbul created?

Telephone Call From Istanbul was created in 1987.

What is the Amazon's telephone number?

Amazon does not have a telephone number that you can call. If you need help, they will email you. In your email, you can leave your telephone number and they will call you.

How do you call your friends?

we call our friends by telephone

What do you call the person receiving the telephone call?

A person receiving a telephone call is a "callee".

What to call telephone in Hindi?

Telephone is called doorbhash in hindi.

What is telephone used for?

Speaking to people remotely.

What does to-call as in telephone call mean in spanish?


What are the release dates for The Telephone Call - 1909?

The Telephone Call - 1909 was released on: USA: 14 October 1909

What is a telephone's function?

Some of the functions of the telephone are the following: call transfer, conference call, call on hold, call to either local, international,mobile or emergency phone numbers.

When was The Telephone Game created?

The Telephone Call was created in 1987-02.

What is a wrong number?

A wrong number is a number misdialled by a person during a telephone call - or a telephone call from an unfamiliar caller.