

What is gasoline made of?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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8y ago

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Oil is the main source of gasoline and is composed of many different hydrocarbons in varying ratios.

Gasoline is composed of 20% C8H18, 20% C9H20, 15% C10H22, 15% C11H24, 8% C6H6, 10% C7H8, 10% C8H7 and 2% C8H10 by mass. The Specific Gravity of Gasoline is .74.
Petroleum is made out of oil, a type of fossil fuel. Petroleum opperates cars, aeroplanes and ships. Without that we can't travel long distances anymore...
Hydroygen, Carbon and Oxygen
Gasoline's have multiple components between he fuel itself and other additives. The fuel components contain octanes, butanes and forms of toluene. The additives include detergents and chemicals that resist oxidation. Also, many gasoline markets now include a percent component of ethanol such as E10 (10%) and E85 (85%).

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I know it is a federal requirement on any gasoline vehicle made after 1975.I know it is a federal requirement on any gasoline vehicle made after 1975.