

What is meant by age discrimination?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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This is ageism and it is discrimination against someone because of their age. This could include getting jobs, housing, and other things.

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Q: What is meant by age discrimination?
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How can you use age discrimination in a sentence?

Age discrimination is illegal in the workplace, with laws in place to protect employees from being treated unfairly based on their age. Employers should not make hiring, promotion, or firing decisions based on an individual's age.

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Discrimination based on age is called ageism. This can involve stereotypes, bias, or prejudice against individuals or groups based on their age, either younger or older.

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Discrimination is defined as distinguishing differences between things or treating someone as inferior based on their race, sex, national origin, age or other characteristics. An example of discrimination is when you can tell the difference between fine wine and cheap wine.

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Some examples of age discrimination attorneys in the Washington area are FarberLegal, DCEmploymentAttorney and SGB-Law. They are the leading attorneys in the field of age discrimination.

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the age discrimination act of 1967 prohibits employment discrmination on teh basis of age againt

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Some examples of age discrimination in the workplace include passing over older employees for promotion opportunities in favor of younger employees, making negative comments about an employee's age, or laying off older employees while retaining younger ones to save money on salaries.

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"A good age discrimination lawyer can help resolve any conflicts between a worker and their employer. For example, if a worker was fired from their job for being a certain age, an age discrimination lawyer could help get them compensation and possibly their job back."