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a man who killed someone other...he has also give his life for the sake of killing him

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Q: What is the Punishment of Qisas in Islam?
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What are the Qisas?

Qisas is an Arabic word that means equality in punishment. The killer, intentionally and on purpose, should be killed unless being forgiven by the brother (or relatives etc.) against blood-money to made fairly and with justice.

Does Islam disagree with capital punishment?

No, Islam does not disagree with capital punishment. Islam believes in eye for eye and ear for ear. If a person kills an other person without just cause - irrespective of his/her religion, caste, colour, or creed, he kills all human beings. Such a person should be killed. However, if the heirs of the killed person forgive the killer willingly, or spare his life by taking certain amount in Qisas, that is a good deed. Allah Karim likes it. They will be rewarded by Almighty God.

What is the punishment of murderers in Islam?

In Islam religion, the killer should be killed.

What is the punishment of Islam?

If you do not follow the religion of Islam, you will be sent to the hell fire

Married woman seeing another man what punishment will she have to receives in Islam?

No punishment for looking .

What is Kesas in Islam?

Islam believes in justice. If a person kills another, the heirs of the murdered person have the right to kill him in return under shria law (this is qisas), they may , however, forgive him, if they like. Life for life, ear for ear, eye for eye, and nose for nose.

What is the punishment for smoking weed in Islam?

Kind sir, Islam is not a country. Thank you for your ignorance. Sincerely, Amanda

What is the meaning of execution in Islam?

It is the punishment for murderers. It is only fair to have a life for a life.

What is the punishment in Islam to kiss a widow?

I dont know and why kiss a widow? Its wrong..

What are Islam's stories?

Qisas Al-Anbiya (قصص الانبياء) describes most of Islam's sacred stories. (The Qur'an does not do much storytelling). Most of these stories are the same as those in the Bible save for the modifications due to Qur'anic Revelation. There are also stories about other Muslim prophets and parts of Mohammed's exploits.

Is there judgment in Islam?

There is hell punishment for everyone in Islam according to Surah 19:71 "And there is not one of you but will come to it. This is an absolute decree of thy Lord"

What is punishment of a person if he intercourse during periods in Islam?

It is better to abstain during the periods but no punishment as such has been mentioned. Seeking forgiveness and praying for hadayah is enough.