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Learn language! The best thing to do when you are angry enough to cuss is to use words that they don't ordinarily know. That way you can call them just about anything but a person and they don't realize that they've been insulted.

For instance.."You are a superb specimen of a man. Look at that! Solid muscle! Head to toe...and ear to ear. I'm sooo impressed!"

Or...(delivered in your most concerned voice).."Tell me honey, did it hurt when you thought that idea up? Given that you can't say anything original, you must have really strained for that thought. Need some tissue?"

The whole point is that you need to think up these things in advance. Famous people have always delivered devastating comments with just the proper sneer. Dorothy Parker was incredibly famous for these quips, and her circle of friends admired her for them. Simple swear word don't do justice to a towering rage, so you must be prepared for a really great comeback.

My all time favorite was delivered by an extremely frustrated young woman who was forbidden by her faith to swear. After an insult, she drew herself up to her full height, put her hands on her hips and said...

"Excuse me??? You can take that remark, fold it until it is all corners, put it on the end of an umbrella, put the umbrella in a place where the sun doesn't shine....and open it!!!"

I cringed at the visualization. It just takes control, practice, and preparation to effectively silence loud mouthed boors who need "a good talking to." Stooping to swearing reveals that you lack the education to chop a person to bits in a great fashion. Educated people can do it in public without ever swearing, can get the point across to their victim in front of others, can make the victim look ignorant, and all without ever losing their composure.

It's worthwhile to cultivate this way of expressing yourself.

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by arguing at them with cuss words

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What is the best way curse someone out?

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While it is considered an offensive term to use towards someone, it is not typically classified as a curse word in the same way as stronger profanities. However, it is still best to avoid using derogatory language to respect others and maintain positive communication.

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It means to curse someone to bad dangereg. i curse you horse riding (i hope you fall off and hurt yourself)eg. i curse you swimming (i hope you drown)A minced oath of f*** youeg. curse you (name)!hope this helps

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The opposite of a curse is a blessing.The opposite of to curse (someone, something) could be to bless, praise, or cheer.

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