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the movement of electrically charged particles, atoms, or ions, through solids, liquids, gases, or free space; the term is usually used of relatively smooth movements of electric charge through conductors, whether constant or variable. Sudden movements of charge are usually referred to by other terms, such as spark or lightning or discharge. In metallic conductors the electric current is usually due to movement of electrons through the metal. The current is measured as the rate of movement of charge per unit time, and is counted in units of amperes. As a formal definition, the direction of movement of electric current is considered as the same as the direction of movement of positive charge, or in a direction opposite to the movement of negative charge. Electric current may move constantly in a single direction, called direct current (abbreviated DC), or may move alternately in one direction and then the opposite direction, called alternating current (abbreviated AC).

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The flow of an electrical charge.

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Q: What is the definition of electrical current?
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Current is electrical charge flow, in coulombs per second. We simplify coulombs per second and call it amperes.

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A flow of electrical charges is the definition of an electric current. This is a far better definition than 'a flow of free electrons', which one normally hears, because a current can be a flow of free electrons, positive or negative ions, 'holes', etc. -depending on the medium through which the current is flowing.

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You cannot 'store' current, because, by definition, current is a movement of electrical charge along a conductor. You cannot store something that is moving.

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-- Electric charge that's moving is the definition of electric current.-- It creates a magnetic field in its neighborhood.

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2 * electrial