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Akita's are from Japan - GSD's are from Germany.

Akita's have curly tails - GSD's have Sabre tails

Akita's have webbed feet - GSD's have partially webbed feet...

Akita's and German Shepherd's are two totally different breeds. There is nothing alike about them in the slightest.

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Q: What is the difference between Akita's and German shepherds?
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Are white German Shepherds deaf?

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What is German shepherds size?

Between 65lbs to 150lbs

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Well i have a German shepherd and i know a lab and i think they grow at they same rate. if there was a difference i would say the German shepherds grows a tad faster.

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There is no such thing as the Lion Shepherd Dog. German Shepherds are a breed of dog that originated in Germany and are typically brown and tan and weigh anywhere from 51 to 88 pounds.

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The Difference is that the King Shepherd is larger, taller and more weight. They are around 90 to 160lb while (usually) German shepherds are around 75-110lb.

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There is no difference between them. They are both German Shepherds. Alsheshan was adopted during the world wars by breeders because people had qualms with the Germans. This name alteration helped to make the breed more desirable.

What is another name for german shepherds?

German shepherds are also called Alsatians.

What was price of Gosselin's German shepherds?

There is no information on the actual cost of the Gosselin's German Shepherds. Those dogs were not German Shepherds but a mix so not much.

Is there a difference between Belgian malinois and german shephered?

Yes. These are two separate breeds of dog. Although they bear a superficial resemblance, the German shepherd is usually taller, heavier, and bigger-boned than the malinois. German Shepherds are easier to handle than Malinios. Before getting a malinios, people should study their characteristics. They are more stubborn than German shepherds.

What colors are German Shepherds?

German shepherds come mostly in brown and tan colors

Are white German shepherds kc registered?

no. White German shepherds are not recognized by the K.C

Where are German shepherds mostly common?

German shepherds are mostly common in Germany since that is their origin.