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Q: What is the difference between declarative and procedural questions?
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What is the difference between a procedural language and declarative language?

Procedural is nothing but just using procedures to instrct te machine. The procedures provides a level of abstraction here. Declarative means to program without specifying the steps involved clearly. It allows us not give the control flow. ex - SQL is declarative as it does not need the control flow to be implemented. SQL is also procedural as it works on procedure names that are predefined.

Difference between procedural and nonprocedural language?


What is the difference between declarative and imperative programming?

Imperative is how the computer should do something. Declarative is what you would like the computer to do.

What is the difference between procedural and declarative knowledge?

Declarative knowledge is represented as a static collection of facts with a set of Procedures for manipulating the facts. Declarative knowledge refers to factual knowledge and information that a person knows. Procedural knowledge, on the other hand, is knowing how to perform certain activities. All knowledge starts out as declarative information and procedural knowledge is acquired through inferences from already existing knowledge. For example, when I was learning to play tennis, I learned all about the rules of the game, where to come into contact with the ball on my racket, how to make the ball go where I wanted to by the follow through, and how to position my body for a backhand stroke. This is a set of factual information. Putting those facts into practice helped me gain the skills to transform a series of declarative knowledge into procedural knowledge. The skills I acquired couldn't be learned simply by being told. I gained the skills only after actively putting them into practice and being monitored by a coach who was constantly providing feedback.

Short note on structural programming and procedural programming?

There is no difference between procedural programing language & structure programing language.

What Is the difference between procedural and nonprocedural DMLs?

One has non informs of it

What is the difference between a declarative statement and an imperative statement?

In a declarative statement, you initialize the object. But in an imperative statement, you use a preexisting statement and use it.

What are the procedural differences between cases of minor theft and those of the large majority of motoring offences?

what is the procedural difference between minor theft and minor motoring offences

What is the difference between exclamatory and declarative?

exclamatory ends with a ! and declarative just ends with a . just think of the word declarative as you are declaring something therefor you need a period to it to make sure you make your point (.)

What is the difference between a declarative and imperative?

Declarative programming focuses on describing the desired results without specifying how to achieve them, while imperative programming involves providing specific step-by-step instructions on how to achieve a result. Declarative programming is more concerned with what needs to be done, while imperative programming is more concerned with how it should be done.

When The most important difference between procedural and substantive due process is that?

Procedural due process deals with governmental methods and how they are used, whereas substantive due process deals with the fairness of laws.

Why is it important to know the difference between a diagnostic suffix and procedural suffix?

It is important to distinguish between diagnostic and procedural suffixes as they help to indicate the purpose of the medical term. Diagnostic suffixes typically describe a condition or disease, while procedural suffixes indicate a specific medical procedure or intervention. Understanding this difference can improve communication between healthcare professionals and ensure accurate documentation and treatment.