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Well that's a bit of a silly question to ask . Gay guys like boys/men , straight guys like girls/women. simple :)

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Q: What is the difference between gay men and straight men?
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Do gay men have a less pronounced Adam's apple?

No, there is no physical difference between gay and straight men.

Is there a biological difference between gay and straight people?

Yes, there is. Tests have shown that gay men have different balances of hormones and different wiring in the brain to straight men. It is theorised by many that there is also a genetic difference, but there isn't yet any proof of this. Tests on women have been inconclusive so far.

Why do straight men chase gay women?

Straight men generally do NOT chase gay women unless they don't know the woman is gay.

Do any straight men actually download gay chat to socialise with gays?

no, but it's possible that closeted gay men who pretend to be straight might do this.

Are straight men attracted to gay men in their late 40's?

Straight men are too straight to be gay. so dats not gonna happen to a straight guy wad ever his age be.

If your gay how do you get a striaght man?

You don't. Just as gay men cannot turn straight, it's the same for straight men; they cannot turn gay.

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Gay men wear the same kinds of underwear as straight men.

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It's exactly the same as a man being straight. There is no difference in pleasure.

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Why do straight men become gay?

No straight person becomes gay. Ever. You are either born gay or you aren't.

Does a straight guy find it difficult to be best mates to a gay guy and why?

It depends on how homophobic the straight guy is; nowadays, it is not uncommon whatsoever for straight men to have close friends who are gay. In fact, a friendship between a straight and a gay man can be very beneficial to both men, in part because they can have more candid, open conversations about a myriad personal topics than a straight man typically can with another straight man, or gay man with another gay man.

Is the size of the pineal gland for a gay person the same as that of a straight person?

Yes. Gay men and straight men are the same anatomically.