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Q: What is the difference between rotting and aging of rice kernels?
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What is the difference between aging and aging with regards to spelling?

both have same meaning,the process of growing old , but aging(US,AUS) ageing(UK,INDIA)

What's the difference between bourbon and whiskey?

Bourbon is at least 51% corn based, with aging in the oak barrels of at least 24 months.

What is the difference between dynamic strain aging and strain aging?

Strain aging could be described as " normal wear and tear " or the fatigue that is experienced under normal conditions, whereas Dynamic strain would be an out of the normal range stress condition like a one time over stress condition where the sum of much strain aging is experienced in one " dynamic" occurrence.

What is the difference between aging and old age?

Aging is the process of growing older and experiencing biological changes over time, while old age specifically refers to the later stages of life when individuals are typically considered elderly. Aging is a gradual process that occurs throughout life, while old age is a stage of life that is typically characterized by a decline in physical and cognitive abilities.

What is the difference between tocopheryl and tocopherol?

Tocopherol is naturally-occurring, while tocopheryl acetate is synthetic. Both are used in cosmetics as antioxidants, keeping oils from turning rancid, and for their reported benefits on skin (healing, anti-aging).

What is the difference between Windows 95 and ubuntu?

ten or more years of development depending on your version of Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a modern Linux distribution while windows 95 is an aging and unsupported parent of the current windows environment.

What is the correct spelling of the word aging or aging?


Is aging an adjective?

"Aging" can either be an adjective (as in, "an aging person") or a gerund (as in, "The person was aging rapidly").

What is the difference between aging and old age in points?

Aging refers to the natural process of growing older over time, encompassing physical, psychological, and social changes. Old age specifically denotes the later stage of life when an individual reaches an advanced age, typically beyond 65 years. Aging is a gradual process that occurs throughout life, while old age is a specific stage characterized by increased health challenges and decreased physical abilities.

Is UK erase anti aging depigmenting solution effective?

I don't know about anti aging depigmenting BUT UK Derm Erase Solution is very effective for my scars. I have been using it for 2 months and it has made a huge difference.:)

What is the difference between dry red wine and sherry Can I use sherry instead of dry red wine for coq Au vin?

Sherry is a type of fortified wine, meaning that after the initial fermentation and aging process, another spirit is added.

What is the difference between unseasoned wood and seasoned wood?

This refers to the amount of aging it has had since cut. Green is another name for unseasoned wood. This refers to firewood and cut lumber. Seasoned is ready for sale in a lumber yard or fireplace ready.