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Safri Duo - Samb Adagio

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Q: What is the drumming song which the video has two drummers were playing as the seasons change in the background its like Carnival De Paris?
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Is 13 too old to start drumming?

it's never too old to start drumming :) just start whenever it feels right and you want to start playing

Are the skullcandy agents good for playing the drums and if not what are?

No but the ATH-M50X. Is great headphones for drumming

What is the music video with a blond man with long hair walking by an ocean and there is an amusement park or a carnival in the background?

Carolina Liar's music video for "Show Me What I'm Looking For" has a blond man playing a guitar on a beach by the boardwalk in Atlantic City with amusement rides in the background.

What is pocket drumming My Balls?

"Pocket drumming" refers to a style that consists of a simple, solid beat that lacks the flair of a lot of fills and what-not. This style is typically done on a kit using relatively few pieces. i.e. you could pull it off with just a kick drum, snare, and hi-hats; but the number of pieces is irrelevant as compared to how you play them Pocket drumming is when a drummer sits a groove so deep and never lets the tempo waver, creating a comfortable pocket for the rest of the band to play in, it is falsely labeled as an easy thing to do, however very few drummers can pull it off, and it takes a talented band to create a deep pocket. The drummer can not be held solely responsible for the time. I have personally seen some of the best drummers pocket groove's destroyed by inexperienced musician's. Check out James Brown or the Meter's for this style of playing. Also take a listen to the Dave Matthews Band's live jam sessions; particularly Carter Beauford's drumming style.

What are the people called that march up and down playing the bagpipes?

Pipers. In a group with drummers they are a Pipe Band.

Where do you find drumming back tracks. I want to play beast and the harlot by avenged sevenfold and have the rest of the band playing but have me on the drums?

If you look on youtube, you can find instrumentals, vocal backing tracks and drumming tracks

What was Josh's carnival job in no promises in the wind?

Playing the piano.

Does a heavy rock song speed up a drummers heart rate?

most likely it does, it increases it when playing fast.

What is the best size drumstick for jazz drumming?

If you are in North America 7A is a standard size drumstick that is good for playing jazz.

Why do drummers practice with headphones?

The headphones play a metronome tone which helps the drummer keep in rhythm. Also, to keep the band on beat, the drummer has the headphones to hear his band playing to stay in beat. It is the drummers responsibility to keep the band on beat. Even if the guitarists are moving too fast or too slow, the drummers speeds up, or slows down to stay with the rest of his band.

What are the different roles within a musical ensemble- What do they do?

There is a conductor, the role of a conductor is to keep time, control dynamics (how loudly or softly the music is played) and the conductor takes the lead. Another role could be a drummer. Drummers keep the beat of the music by playing beats continually through the piece of music. Drummers keep the rythm and sometimes the drummers can take the lead.

What instrument do you see Justin Bieber playing in his movie trailer?

It either the chair he was drumming on or the piano or the guitar. one of those 3!