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Pork barrel is a political jargon which refers to the appropriation of government funds for local projects solely to bring money to a representative's constituent. This technique can be beneficial to the education system of the constituency, if the money obtained is spent on education.

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Q: What is the effect of pork barrel in education?
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The effect of pork barrel scam to most political geographies is that development is stagnant. This has also affected the economy since businesses have lost confidence in the government.

Legislation whose tangible benefits are targeted solely at a particular legislator's constituency is called?

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Pork barrel projects

What is the effect of pork barrel spending to the economy?

Besides contributing to corruption such as conflict of interests and kickbacks, it means that less money is available for what is more urgently needed, such as education, fighting poverty and violence, etc; and it exacerbates the ballooning of national debt.

How does pork effect the brain?

Any effect of pork on the brain.

What is your reaction to pork barrel as a student?

Your teacher wants your opinion, not the opinion of someone on the internet. The object of this assignment was for you to understand what "pork barrel" means.

What term refers to government projects and grants that benefit a congress members home state?

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why pork barrel :)

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Why do politicians use to win support from their constituents?

Politicians might use pork barrel spending to win support from their constituents.

What is the origin of pork barrel of the politicians?

It is usually explained that it derives from the practice of providing a barrel of salt pork to slaves, as a reward or to celebrate a special occasion. The barrel was set out by the landowner at a predetermined time and the slaves rushed to get their share.