

What is the frequency of a T1?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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13y ago

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T1 Frequency is 1.544 MHz

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Q: What is the frequency of a T1?
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.data 0x10010000fact: .space 4.text.globl mainmain: addu $s0, $ra, $0lui $s1,0x1001ori $t0,$0,12ori $t4,$0,1addi $t1,$t0,-1mul $t3,$t1,$t0loop: beq $t1,$t4,sleseaddi $t1,$t1,-1mul $t3,$t3,$t1j loopslese: sw $t3,0($s1)addu $ra,$0,$s0jr $ra

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Write a program to represent a polynomial as linked list and write functions for polynimial addition?

#include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> struct poly { int coeff; int x; int y; int z; struct poly * next; }; class polynomial { private : poly *head; public: polynomial():head(NULL) { } void getdata(); void display(); void insert(poly *prv,poly *curr,poly *p); polynomial operator + (polynomial ); }; polynomial polynomial :: operator +(polynomial px2) { polynomial px; poly *t1,*t2,*t3,*last; t1 = head; t2 = px2.head; px.head = NULL; while(t1 != NULL && t2 != NULL) { t3 = new poly; t3->next = NULL; if(t1->x t2->z) { t3->coeff = t1->coeff + t2->coeff; t3->x = t1->x; t3->y = t1->y; t3->z = t1->z; t1 = t1->next; t2 = t2->next; } elseif(t1->x > t2->x) { t3->coeff = t1->coeff; t3->x = t1->x; t3->y = t1->y; t3->z = t1->z; t1 = t1->next; } elseif(t1->x < t2->x) { t3->coeff = t2->coeff; t3->x = t2->x; t3->y = t2->y; t3->z = t2->z; t2 = t2->next; } elseif(t1->y > t2->y) { t3->coeff = t1->coeff; t3->x = t1->x; t3->y = t1->y; t3->z = t1->z; t1 = t1->next; } elseif(t1->y < t2->y) { t3->coeff = t2->coeff; t3->x = t2->x; t3->y = t2->y; t3->z = t2->z; t2 = t2->next; } elseif(t1->z > t2->z) { t3->coeff = t1->coeff; t3->x = t1->x; t3->y = t1->y; t3->z = t1->z; t1 = t1->next; } elseif(t1->z < t2->z) { t3->coeff = t2->coeff; t3->x = t2->x; t3->y = t2->y; t3->z = t2->z; t2 = t2->next; } if(px.head == NULL) px.head = t3; else last->next = t3; last = t3; } if(t1 == NULL) t3->next = t2; else t3->next = t1; return px; } void polynomial :: insert(poly *prv,poly *curr,poly *node) { if(node->x curr->z) { curr->coeff += node->coeff; delete node; } elseif((node->x > curr->x) (node->x curr->y && node->z > curr->z)) { node->next = curr; prv->next = node; } else { prv = curr; curr = curr->next; if(curr == NULL) { prv->next = node; node->next = NULL; return; } insert(prv,curr,node); } return; } void polynomial :: getdata() { int tempcoeff; poly *node; while(1) { cout << endl << "Coefficient : "; cin >> tempcoeff; if (tempcoeff==0) break; node = new poly; node->coeff = tempcoeff; cout << endl << "Power of X : "; cin >> node->x; cout << endl << "Power of Y : "; cin >> node->y; cout << endl << "Power of Z : "; cin >> node->z; if(head == NULL) { node->next = NULL; head = node; } elseif(node->x head->z) { head->coeff += node->coeff; delete node; } elseif((node->x > head->x) (node->x head->y && node->z > head->z)) { node->next = head; head = node; } elseif (head->next == NULL) { head->next = node; node->next = NULL; } else insert(head,head->next,node); } } void polynomial :: display() { poly *temp; temp = head; cout << endl << "Polynomial :: "; while(temp != NULL) { if(temp->coeff < 0) cout << " - "; cout << abs(temp->coeff); if(temp->x != 0) cout << "x^" << temp->x; if(temp->y != 0) cout << "y^" << temp->y; if(temp->z != 0) cout << "z^" << temp->z; if(temp->next->coeff > 0) cout << " + "; temp = temp->next; } cout << " = 0"; } void main() { polynomial px1,px2,px3; clrscr(); px1.getdata(); px2.getdata(); px3 = px1 + px2; px1.display(); px2.display(); px3.display(); getch(); }

How to use threads simultaneously?

Threads are meant to be used simultaneously. If you have 3 threads, you can run them simultaneously by starting them together. Ex: t1.start(); t2.start(); t3.start(); Assuming the three threads t1, t2 and t3 are already created.

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How many DSOs are used in a T1?

There are 24 T1's in a T1.

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Residential Internet T1?

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Residential Integrated T1?

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What does the T1 in T1 internet stand for?

T1 stand for how fast your Internet connection is going to be. T1 is the fastest of all, this would be a very high speed internet connection ( usually using fiber optics). The term T1 refers to the encoding.

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COF = h1-h4/h2-h1=T1(s1-s4)/T2-T1(s1-s4)=T1/T2-T1

Where can you find pricing on a T1?

T1 is an internet connection type, similar to DSL. T1 service providers vary by geographical area as far as availability, as T1 connections are not available in all areas. Pricing for T1 internet service can be obtained by visiting websites such as T1 Shopper to locate services available in their location.

What P1v1 divided by t1p2v2 divided by t2 solve for t1?

This question refers to the combined gas law: (P1V1)/T1=(P2V2)/T2, where P is pressure, V is volume, and T is temperature in Kelvins.To solve for T1, rearrange the equation to isolate T1.T1=(P1V1T2)/(P2V2)

Residential Data T1?

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What does a T1 modem do?

Allows your computer to communicate with the internet across a T1 connection.

What about T1 Cable?

A T1 Cable is the same as an Straighat Through Ethernet cable. Pins used for a T1 are 1,2,4,5 Pins used for Ethernet are 1,2,3,6

What is a T1 circuit uesd for?

T1 usage is for Voice or Data. T1 is 23 Voice Trunks or 1.5 Mbps. Can be channelized to do both at the same time.