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The upper epidermis has several functions. It protects against water loss, regulates gas exchange (there are only a few stomata on the uppermost layer of the leaf) and produces the waxy substance that becomes part of the cuticle.

The previous answer to this question implies that leaves have a SPINAL CORD - note, this is not true!

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Q: What is the function of upper epidermis in a leaf?
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What is the function of the plant upper epidermis?

The upper epidermis is responsible for preventing water loss by evaporation. It does this by having a waxy cuticle on the top of the leaf. The lower epidermis has stomata, which allow gases to enter and leave the leaf as a result of photosynthesis and respiration.

What best describes a leaf's epidermis?

The epidermis covers the lower and upper sides of the leaf.

What will happen if you only apply vaseline on the upper epidermis of a leaf?

The leaf would curve to the upper epidermis exposing the lower epidemis

How many layer thick is the epidermis?

Answer: the epidermis of a leaf includes: upper epidermis and lower epidermis but if you are referring to the epidermis of an onion: it is only one layer

What does upper epidermis mean?

The upperside of a leaf

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In a leaf,a most of the chloroplasts are found in the upper epidermis layer. A leaf has four distinct tissue layers, upper epidermis, lower epidermis, spongy layer, and palisade layer.

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The function of the epidermis in the stem is to protect the underlying tissues.

What is the outer layer of the leaf called and what are its functions?

The outer layer of a leaf is called the epidermis (from a Greek word meaning "over-skin"). Its function is to protect the insides of the leaf, which carry out the chemical reaction known as photosynthesis.

Which is the portion of the leaf between the upper and lower epidermis called?


Why removing the lower epidermis layer of the leaf and not the upper epidermis?

because most number of stomatal pores are present on lower epidermis of leaves.

The portion of the leaf between the upper and lower epidermis is called the?

internal parts of a leaf =D

What layer is more cellular than the other- Dermis or Epidermis?

the upper epidermis is more cutinized,to prevent excess loss of water from the leaf surface