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I believe 8gb but there may be more in testing.

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Q: What is the highest GB in memory cards?
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What is the biggest memory for psp?

I believe a 16 gigabyte memory card is the highest memory limit. Though, I believe your PSP needs to have a somewhat recent update in order to use these bigger sized memory cards.

When will there be 4 GB memory cards on the market?

Year before last. There are now 32 GB cards available.

Which digital cameras have the most memory?

Digital cameras usually have external memory cards that can hold many picture files. There are different types of cards with different memory sizes ranging from 2 gb to 64 gb.

What's the biggest memory card I can get for my Iphone?

I think 16 GB memory cards are the largest.

How many GB does a blackberry torch have?

It has 4GB internal memory - BUT - is capable of using micro SD memory cards fro expansion.

What is the biggest memory that PSP memory cards can hold?

Seeing as you can use any Pro Duo sized memory card, I am pretty sure that the highest amount of memory for a psp memory card is 32, i have not seen any higher. In fact, it even says on wikipedia, "The largest capacity Memory Sticks currently available is 32GB."

Do PlayStation portable have internal memory?

The new psp GO has internal memory of 16 gb, but the other versions of the psp, 1000, 2000, or 3000 use memory cards only.

What memory card for the Nikon Coolpix l120?

The Nikon CoolPix takes SD or SDHC cards. The largest right now (August 2009) are 32 Gb cards though it appears that Toshiba are launching 64 Gb SDXC cards soon and 128 Gb and on up to 2 Tb cards are planned for 2011.

What size memory card should I get for my 8 Megapixel camera?

I would purchase two 2 GB cards. That way you can take a lot of pictures, but you aren't putting all your eggs in one basket. Cards do fail. 4 GB cards are nice, but some older card readers will not recognize them. You should be able to get around 400 image files on a 2 GB card at highest resolution and fine setting.

How much memory can memory cards hold?

You can get up to 16GB in most stores. There are 32, 64 and 128GB memory cards, but they are very expensive or not in mass production yet. The 32 GB cards are now more available and it is lowering prices on smaller cards 2011, I just ordered a 128 MB cardm on amazon today. So things are improving.

How much do dsi memory cards cost?

16 MB SD Cards usually cost about a dollar, but like more than 16 GB would be like $30 or so. And there are 1,000 MB in one GB.

What is the meaing of GB in the new nokia n95?

GB means gigabytes, a unit in measuring memory size. If you are referring to Nokia N95 8GB, 8GB represents internal memory. So you will have the storage capacity of ten 800MB CD's right from the box without the need of buying extra memory cards.