

What is the mammoths niche?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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7y ago

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The niche of a mammoth was similar to the niche of modern elephants. They primarily ate grass, like modern elephants. Also like elephants, they occasionally ate leaves and fruits.

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Elephants are less hairy than mammoths and do not posses such large tusks. Elephants are not extinct, while mammoths are.

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The mammoths lived for 100,000000 of years but a mammoths lived for 80 years

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They are not - mammoths were dinosaurs and are extinct

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No mammoths were vegetarians.

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Wooly Mammoths are brown.

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Winston-Salem Mammoths was created in 1995.

What do mammoths have in common?

1. All mammoths had long, dramatically curved tusks. 2. All mammoths had longer forelimbs than hind limbs. 3. All mammoths were grazers.

Did mammoths live on plains?

Mammoths were grass eating animals. Because grass grows well in the plains, that would have been an ideal habitat for mammoths. In fact, woolly mammoths lived in the tundra, which are dry, treeless plains, and Columbian mammoths lived in the Great Plains.

What did Woolly Mammoths drink?

Mammoths usually drank water and it had to be clean to.