

What is the name of a tiger shark?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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12y ago

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tiger that is a shark^^

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Q: What is the name of a tiger shark?
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Related questions

What is a tiger shark's common name?

A tiger shark's common name is tiger shark. Its scientific name is Galeocerdo cuvier.

What covers a tiger shark?

Camouflage, the stripes on them are how they get their name. Tiger shark.

What is the scientific name for the tiger shark?

The scientific name for the Tiger Shark is Galeocerdo cuvier.

What is a tiger shark's name in Japanese?

Tiger Shark = イタチザメ (Itachizame)

What is the kingdom name for the tiger shark?


Facts about a tiger shark?

Facts about the tiger shark include that it gets its name from its tiger-like stripes. They like warm waters and are vicious scavengers.

What is the Scientific name for a whale shark?

The scientific name for a shark is Carcharodon carcharias.

What is the name biggest monster shark filter feeder?

The Whale shark (Rhincodon typus).

What is tiger shark's Scientific name?

Galeocerdo Cuvier

Is the sand tiger shark the same as the the tiger shark?

No!! The tiger shark is like 7 feet larger then a sand tiger. Also, the sand tiger has way different teeth than the Tiger shark.

Is a tiger shark a marsupial?

No, a tiger shark is not a marsupial.

Who would win a whale shark vs tiger shark?

tiger shark