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I believe it is called All Mine to give

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Q: What is the name of an old black and white movie where the mother and father die from disease and the oldest child delivers the other siblings by sleigh to other families in the area on Christmas?
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Which is called Christmas disease in Christmas?

Hemophilia B is called Christmas disease after Stephen Christmas, the first patient suffering from it.

Why is Gaucher disease difficult for patients and their families?

The pain and deformities associated with symptoms of Gaucher disease can make coping with this illness very challenging for individuals and families.

What is Christmas disease also known as?

Hemophilia B.

What is the nickname for hemophilia?

hemophilia B is also known as Christmas disease because Stephen Christmas was the first patient with the disease, and hemophilia A is just known as classic hemophilia.

Is HIV passed through families?

No. It is not a genetic disease, but an infectious one.

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Is bipolar disease known to have a genetic component?

Yes, it runs in families and can be inherited.

What disease causes the white blood cells to attack food?

Eosinophilic Enteropathy is the name of the disease. One of the families on extreme home makeover had four kids with the disease.

Why do people call haemophilia the Christmas disease?

Because Stephen Christmas was the first person diagnosed with it .and it was released in Britain for first time on christmas day

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What is hemophilia commonly called?

Many years ago, it was refered to as 'the Royal Disease" also the "Bleeding disease". Hemophilia B is also known as Christmas Disease.

Why did Alexander Fleming invent antibiotics?

because of the loss of his father and other siblings moving on from disease.