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Q: What is the process by which stars produce their energy is called?
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What is the process occurring in stars to produce energy?

Nuclear fusion

What energy does the sun and stars produce?

the energy sun and stars produce is fusion.

What do hydrogen bombs ands stars both produce nuclear with?

The process of fusion, where hydrogen is fused into heavier elements, releasing energy in the process.

What does the energy of a star come from?

Nuclear fusion, or the heating-up and smashing together of hydrogen nuclei, is the process via which stars produce energy.

How do hydrogen bombs and stars both produce nuclear energy?

Stars like our sun and hydrogen bombs produce energy through nuclear fusion.

Is fusion an atomic process that is used to produce energy?

Fusion occurs when two atomic nuclei collide. The reaction that is produce by the collision can be used to provide energy. Fusion is the reaction that powers most active stars in the universe.

How are plants and stars related?

Plants get the energy they require from the Sun (using a process called photosynthesis); the Sun is a star.

A protostar becomes a star when energy is released by the process of what?

Nuclear fusion. In the case of stars, it is often called nucleosynthesis.

Where do stars get light?

Stars produce light through the process of nuclear fusion. As a star burns hydrogen (in most cases) it turns into helium, the energy released creates photons or particles of light. However, not all stars give off light. Only stars with enough fuel to sustain fusion can produce visible light.

Stars produce energy by fusing hydrogen into what?

The products of hydrogen fusion are helium and energy.

What planet produces lots of energy?

The sun because it's hot and humans turn it into energy

What process depends on fusion?

The energy source of stars