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The process of fusion, where hydrogen is fused into heavier elements, releasing energy in the process.

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Q: What do hydrogen bombs ands stars both produce nuclear with?
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How do hydrogen bombs and stars both produce nuclear energy?

Stars like our sun and hydrogen bombs produce energy through nuclear fusion.

Hydrogen bombs and stars both produce energy with nuclear?

Nuclear fusion.

What do Hydrogen bombs and stars both produce energy with nuclear?

The term is nuclear fusion, where light elements (usually hydrogen) fuse to form heavier elements.

Where can nuclear fussion be found?

The cores of stars and hydrogen bombs.

Where does nuclear fusion occur and why?

In the cores of stars and hydrogen bombs.

How do stars produce large atoms?

Nuclear fusion. Stars like the sun are basically hydrogen bombs at their core. Hydrogen bombs are fusion bombs, building heavier elements up from hydrogen in their high pressure and temperature cores. All the chemical elements in your body apart from hydrogen were built up in stars that exploded long, long ago,

What kind of nuclear energy is produced by hydrogen bombs and stars?

This is produced by nuclear fusion

How is nuclear energy in stars?

Stars obtain energy through the majority of their lives by the process of thermonuclear fusion of the nuclei of light elements to produce nuclei of heavier elements. Initially the processes fuses hydrogen nuclei, producing helium nuclei (similar to what hydrogen bombs do), but the process ceases when it produces nickel and iron nuclei at which point the star begins dying as it has run out of nuclear fuel.

What is the difference between stars and animals that produce light?

Stars produce light by "burning" hydrogen in a nuclear fusion, whereas some animals produce light when chemical compounds mix together to produce a glow

What is the process by which stars burn brightly?

Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - mainly, hydrogen to helium.Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - mainly, hydrogen to helium.Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - mainly, hydrogen to helium.Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - mainly, hydrogen to helium.

Nuclear fission where is it found?

stars.... stars are made of hydrogen, helium, and nuclear fusion

How does nuclear fusion work when stars produce their own energy?

The fusion of Hydrogen into Helium causes heat and radiation to occur.