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In a Dictatorship government, there is just one ruler who takes over that country and its people. The people do not have any rights. Their beliefs are "dictated" by the government.

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A dictator is the person that controls all aspects of a government. Basically, he/she IS the government and does nothing for the common good of the country.

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Q: What is the relationship between a dictatorship government and its people?
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What is the relationship between the people and the government?

In a Dictatorship government, there is just one ruler who takes over that country and its people. The people do not have any rights. Their beliefs are "dictated" by the government.

What is the difference between democracy and dictatorship?

In a democracy, the people have control of the government; in a Dictatorship, one person has control of the government.A democracy is when the people rule the government and a dictatorship is when one or a small group of people rule the gobernment such as a military leader

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They are both forms of government and no decisions can be made by the people.

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What is the term in which the government rules without the people having a say?

I think you are thinking of a monarchy, if you are talking about the present state of the government/people relationship. Another word is "Dictatorship, says my very reliable sources.

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Who runs a dictatorship government?

The people rule the countire

What are the same's between dictatorship and a democracy?

Demcracy is a pdirectly olitical government either carried out directly by people or by means of elected repesentives of the people. Dictatorship means a form of government in which one person or an oligrchy possesses absolute power without effective constutionak checks.

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