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These days there is no smallpox in this world. But hundered years ago, small pox epidemics were not at all common. People used to be very afraid of coming near someone suffering from small pox since they were afraid of catching the disease. However, there was one group of people who did not have this fear. The people would provide nursing care for the victims of small pox. These people were Milkmaids. One day a famous physician named Edward Jenner realized that the Milkman who earlier suffered from cowpox did not catch small pox during epidemics. Cowpox is a very mild disease. So he thought that if the virus of cow pox is injected into the person, he will not suffer from Small Pox. So he started giving the injections of cow pox to people as a vaccine.

Cow pox is a very mild disease as compared to Small Pox.

You know that any vaccine is prepared by injecting the weakened form of virus of any particular disease into the person. E.g - For the vaccine of Chicken Pox. The virus of Chicken pox is weakened and injeted into the body of person. So, he does not have any chances of getting chicken pox in future because when the weakened form of virus of chicken pox is injected into our body our immune system is able to fight it. So, next time when the Chicken Pox virus enters our body our immune system recognises it and able to fight it. So we not get that particular disease.

Similarly, Edward Jenner started injecting the cow pox virus because it is a very mild disease that can be easily cured. So the person who had suffered from cow pox did not get small pox.

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14y ago

The smallpox vaccine was the first successful vaccine to be developed.

Edward Jenner observed that milkmaids who caught the cowpox virus did not catch smallpox.

He started testing by infecting people with actual Cowpox and after successfully finding this to be effective, "mass infecting" people with Cowpox took place.

This reduced mortality by Smallpox drastically.

Cowpox and Smallpox are closely related but Cowpox only gives the disease in a very mild form in humans. This most likely because it has developed towards cows and not humans.

Diseases do not cross the species barrier easily.

As a result of the similarities between the two, human bodies start building up an immune respons against both diseases even if only Cowpox is present.

Read more at related link below.

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13y ago

During the 18th century, it was noticed that milkmaids rarely became infected by smallpox. The majority of milkmaids did, however, get a disease called "cow pox" once in their life (and never again).

Edward Jenner (17 May 1749 - 26 January 1823, Berkely, Gloucestershire, England) experimented and found that by infecting a person with cow pox, they could be immunised against smallpox.

This immunisation is caused by the cow pox initiating the production of antibodies by the immune system, which are effective against both cow pox and the genetically related smallpox.

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16y ago

Live vaccinia virus.

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What was the first vaccine invented?

The first vaccine invented was for smallpox created by Edward Jenner in 1796

Where can one go to find information on a smallpox vaccine?

The website for the centers for disease control and prevention has information about the smallpox vaccine. It will inform you what smallpox is, what are the symptoms, and why you should get the vaccine.

Who created the vaccine for cowpox?

This may be about Doctor Edward Jenner.He created the first vaccine. It was to treat smallpox and was based on material from the cowpox. So, he created the vaccine from cowpox.I think the vaccine also worked against the cowpox virus.

Does smallpox vaccine come from cows?

The smallpox vaccine comes from cows. Most diseases you a weakened form of the disease. However the smallpox vaccine is brought from cowpox. (closely related to smallpox but not as dangerous). You cannot get this vaccine anymore and if you did it would result in a bad reaction.

Is the smallpox vaccine FDA approved?

Yes it is , and smallpox is aredicated.

What was the smallpox vaccine called?

The smallpox vaccine is an injection to prevent one from contracting smallpox. It has been used to help the body to develop immunity against the disease.

What Legal responsibility does the CDC have to inform public of risks to smallpox vaccine?

What Legal responsibility dose the CDC have to inform public of risks to smallpox vaccine?

What are the cures for smallpox?

The cure for smallpox is cowpox. Cowpox is a mild version of smallpox and is usually not fatal. The smallpox vaccine contains cowpox.

What was Jenner famous for?

Edward Jenner was famous for developing the smallpox vaccine. Not only was the vaccine paramount in decreasing the number of cases of smallpox until it was eradicated from the earth, but it was also the first vaccine.

Who was the first english physician to develop a vaccine?

Edward Jenner - smallpox vaccine.

How do you prevent smallpox?

In most cases........... with the vaccine!

Who made a vaccine for smallpox?

Edward Jenner.