

What is the total number of people Adolf Hitler killed?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Personally? Probably zero.

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Q: What is the total number of people Adolf Hitler killed?
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What did Adolf Hitler do to people?

he killed and torched them.

What were the key deeds of Adolf Hitler?

He killed people.

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Adolf Hitler, as he basically killed over 7,000,000 people.

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Adolf Hitler is more famous because he killed many people

What is the name of the man who killed the Jews?

Many people throughout history have tried to annihilate the Jews but I assume you are referring to Adolf Hitler.

Did Adolf Hitler kill people alive?

No. They were dead when he killed them

How was he killed and how old was Hitler when he died?

Adolf Hitler shot himself at the age of 56

What human being has killed the most people?

I think it was Adolf Hitler.

Is it true adolf Hitler was gay?

people say that Hitler killed gays but really he took them in for himself

Adolf Hitler hated Jews so he killed them all almost?

Adolf Hitler killed 6 million jews.

Would you shoot Adolf Hitler?

Yes because he killed many people.

What did Adolf Hitler do to Hitler?

Well sorry to disappoint you but Adolf Hitler and Hitler are the same people:) If you are speaking of the same person, Hitler killed Hitler in 1945 at the end of World War II in the European theatre. Culturally, Adolf Hitler made the surname "Hitler" unacceptable in most cultures.