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Chief of Staff is the title of the highest ranking officer of the US Army. He holds the rank of General, which is an 0-10 / 4 star rank. The title of Commander-In-Chief is given to the President of the US and is the commanding authority for all military forces, but the holder of this rank, while often having served in the military, is not a military officer by virtue of title.

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The highest rank in the US Army is General of the Army (5 stars), and there are none at present. The last one alive was from WWII, General of the Army Omar Bradley, and he died many years ago.

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Right now the highest ranking officer in the US Army is General George W. Casey Jr

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The highest rank in the army is the major general who commands generals there is only one major general in an army

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Q: What is the highest rank officer in the us army?
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In the United States Army the highest ranking officer is a General. Bellow him is a Lietenant General. But the highest rankin officer is a four star general deemed chief of staff

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What is the highest position in the US Army?

The highest ranking officer is General of the US Army, commonly referred to as a five star General. The last man to hold this position at five-star rank was General of the Army Omar Bradley. The Chief of Staff's rank insignia is no different from any other General's; he wears the Chief of Staff Identification Badge. No one currently holds this position. Currently the highest ranking officer in the US Army is Chief of Staff, General (four star) George W. Casey, jr. The highest ranking enlisted person is Sergeant Major of the Army. the current SMOA is Kenneth O. Reston. His rank is different from any other sergeant major's: it has two stars between the stripes and rockers whereas a sergeant major or command sergeant major's rank only has one.The highest rank in the US Army is General of the Army, 5 stars (O-11).This rank is not permanently filled. The higher, Congressionally-authorized rank of General of the Armies of the United States is a rank accorded to two individuals: John J. Pershing and George Washington (Washington was posthumously increased in rank in 1976, and will always be senior to any US officer).The General of the Army, as with the heads of all US military branches, reports to the civilian heads of the executive branch and the Commander-in-Chief (the President of the United States).Please see links below for amplification and pay related materials.

Who is the highest ranking officer in us military?

The President is the Commander in Chief. Highest Rank of the Military.

What is the highest army?

Please resubmit your question with more specifics. Do you need to know which Army is the strongest army in the world or the highest rank in an army? A 5 star General or Field Marshall is the highest ranking officer in the armies of the world. I would suppose the US Army is the largest being the superpower in the world right now.

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What is the next officer rank promotion after captain in the US Army?

His rank is Captain, his pay grade is 0-3.