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There were a number of ways, the castle could be built on solid rock, even sandy or waterlogged land. A moat or deep ditch could surround the castle walls, the castle could be built in the middle or an artificial lake. The defenders could dig a tunnel towards the attackers tunnel and cause a collapse. The attackers could breach the outer wall only to find a a narrow place between the outer wall and an inner wall making it very easy for the defenders to guard against an assault. There would also be projectiles thrown down by the defenders.

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Q: What kept attackers from digging under the main walls in a castle?
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How did mining the walls work in medieval times?

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What were the roles of castle attackers?

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What did attackers do when tunneling under a medieval castle's walls?

When attackers were tunneling under the walls of a medieval castle, they had to use a variety of techniques to penetrate the defense. The most common way of accomplishing this was to build a mine, or tunnel, under the walls. This was done by digging a long, narrow passage, often by hand, and using wooden supports to keep the tunnel open. The miners would then use the tunnel to reach the base of the walls and plant explosives or set fire to the supports. The explosion would create a breach in the wall, allowing the attackers to enter the castle. In some cases, attackers would also use siege towers, battering rams, and catapults to break through the walls. Siege towers were large wooden structures which attackers used to reach a height that allowed them to fire arrows and other projectiles over the walls. Battering rams were wooden structures with large metal heads which were used to batter down the castle gates. Catapults were devices which used a large arm to launch projectiles over the walls. In addition to these methods, attackers would sometimes use subterfuge in order to gain entry to a castle. In some cases, attackers would disguise themselves as merchants or other travelers in order to gain access to the castle gates. In other cases, attackers would bribe castle guards to leave the gates open or allow them access to the castle. Finally, attackers could also use psychological warfare to weaken the defenders' morale. This could include spreading false rumors that the attackers had magical powers or that the castle was doomed. In some cases, attackers would even resort to bribery or threats of violence in order to coerce the defenders into surrendering.

How does a scaling ladder work?

They will be used to climb up the long walls of the stone castle by attackers

What does siege mining mean?

Siege mining is simply the process of moving as close to the walls of the castle as possible that was under siege and mining-(digging under the walls of the fortification). After a 'mine' was dug under the wall it was supported by wooden beams soaked in pitch,and then the remaining space was filled with brush and anything else that would burn and then set alight. When the support timbers were burned away this would cause the walls to collapse and allow the attackers to enter the castle or fortification. The miners were called sappers because the old term for combat/military mining was called 'sapping the walls'. Sappers are now called combat engineers.

What does a castle look like?

Castles were usually made of stone or brick and the walls were very thick to stop attackers from getting in.

What is a castle wall enclosing a courtyard?

If it is a concentric castle, then it would have a set of outer walls and inner walls. Basically, the name is outer walls, if you were asking for the proper terminology. If you're inquiring towards their use, outer walls are thinner than inner walls and their purpose is to provide a space between the inner and outer walls from which attackers may be stopped before reaching the castle.

What is a scaling ladder?

A scaling ladder was used to siege stone castles. They will be used to climb up the long walls of the stone castle by attackers.

How accurate is a siege tower?

A siege tower is a tower on a wheeled platform to allow the attackers to climb up it and over the castle walls. Accurate doesn't come into it.

Where to get a fossil in pearl?

get the digging kit go under ground and dig in the walls you get get some there

Why Did the Normans clear away all the trees around a castle?

A castle was a defensive structure. If there was a forest coming up to the castle walls, this would make it possible for attackers to sneak up on it without being seen, so trees very near a castle were cut down.

Why were moats dug?

The digging of moats served two purposes. In early castles they provided a huge obstacle to attackers before they could reach the actual walls; the soil taken from the moat would be used to construct the mound known as the motte on which the main tower was built, as well as providing banks on the inner side of the moat.In later castles the main purpose was as an obstacle to attackers, but also to help guard against mines being dug under the walls.