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Marijuana, LSD, shrooms, alcohol, salvia, breathing gasoline, ectasy, breathing bad air, holding your breath too long, sniffing paint,

To add to this and correct, For the record, marijuana does NOT kill brain cells. All studies done have shown no proof of it in any manner effecting your brain, the worst brain damage you could incur would be a lessening of short term memory, that's it.

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12y ago

One substance that doesn't kill brain cells is alcohol, contrary to popular myth.


The above answer is wrong. Excessive alcohol intake does damage brain cells. Brain scans, motor skills tests will both show some sort of impairment. MRIs and PET scans are both used to detect the type of damage caused by drug abuse (and alcohol abuse). The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse has an interesting (and not too complex) page on just this. It specifically discusses alcohol and the brain, but the same ideas apply to drug abuse.

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12y ago

Drug abuse, lack of oxygen, strokes, and certain medical conditions such as those which cause seizures are some things which kill brain cells.

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14y ago

PCP or acid IMO. You hear stories about people on acid that never came down.

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central nervous system depressment

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Q: What term is given to drugs that kill brain cells?
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Does Shrooms kill brain cells?

No It offers neuroprotection, meaning it protects nerves and brain cells. There is also some evidence that it may facilitate brain cell development. The US DHS confirms the scientific research that marijuana can be used as a neuroprotectant and antioxidant, it hold the patent to these uses patent no. 6630507

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yes marijuana does kill your brain cells it has been scientifically proven.

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