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It is seldom possible to help anyone who does not want help. Such people must discover for themselves that they have a problem, and must decide for themselves that they want to do something about it. Then they can be helped. Until then, be on your guard.

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Q: What kind of help is available for a pathological liar who won't admit to it?
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Can you live with a pathalogical liar?

Yes technaically you can... Although depending on what kind of person you are and what you believe it may concern you to a great extint. If you have problems living with someone who is a pathological liar I suggest you eave them if possible and if not then you may want to tell some one your troubles to see if you or the pathological liar can get help.

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Major therapy. In reality, it's very difficult to make that kind of personality change stick. Therapy is the only answer, an untrained person is not equipped to help a person with a serious problem like pathological lying.

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There are lot of self help available. We need to be specific on what kind of mental help is it panic attack, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar,depression any way we have this blog to get some help

What kind of therapy do pathological liars need?

"Pathological lying" is a symptom and not a diagnosable disorder in and of itself. The symptom might bring you down one of any number of paths diagnostically. In general, Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy, Reality Therapy or Dialectic Behavioral Therapy may be of some help. These are not the only possibilities. Med's would not have any effect on the symptom, but med's might be useful with whatever underlying disorders might be operating, depending on what they might be.

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Hard truths mean that the truth that is hard to admit or if someone did something like, really really bad, it is very hard to say the truth :D glad i can kind of help yah! :D

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