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Clear, odourless discharge and sometimes a creamy type of dishcharge and lots of it is normal during pregnancy. If you have a smelly or particular coloured discharge it maybe the sign of an infection and worth mentioning to your Doctor.

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Q: What kind of vaginal discharge is most common if you are pregnant?
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What kind of fluid is discharged if you are pregnant?

Clear Vaginal Mucus

Can a pregnant woman get rid of discharge?

Any kind of discharge is unhealthy. See a doctor.

What to do when your period comes early and your on the pill?

Continue taking your pills as scheduled. Contact your health care provider if this is a common problem for you, is troublesome, or is associated with any kind of pain or unusual vaginal discharge.

What kind of std do you have if there are flesh color bumps on your vagina and anus and alot of vaginal discharge?

a pretty bad one

To become pregnant what type of sex the couples can do?

Any kind of penetrating vaginal sex will do.

Can a simple blood test answer what kind of vaginal discharge is going on with your cat?

Get that poor kitty to a vet and dont worry about wiki answers.

Can you eat discharge?

Yes, but its like eating pus from another wound on your body. Also you should be careful as the reason for the discharge is important, if it is an fungal infection then eating the discharge may give you a fungal infection on your mouth. It's kind of gross anyways.

Im having yellow discharge and im not pregnant?

Contact your doctor. It could be an infection of some kind.

Vaginal discharge in a young spayed Boxer?

dont worry, your dog just has aids. its not a big deal. but remember, this kind of situation could be dangerous

What Can I Use Have Some Amount Of Discharge Just Before My Period But It Leaves My Panties Wet?

Yes, some women experience vaginal discharge just before periods but regular sanitary pads are not needed. So you can use liners. They protect well for this kind of a discharge.

Would a lot of discharge stop the sperm from causing you to get pregnant?

Depending on what kind of discharge. If the discharge is clear, slippery, and stretches, (resembling egg whites) this is your most fertile time of the month. You have this kind of discharge right at and during ovulation. This is your sperm friendly mucous, it helps the sperm be more mobile and gives it a healthier environment letting it live longer and also enter your cervix. If it is cloudy or white this is not as " sperm friendly".

What is a vaginal thrush infection?

Vaginal thrush is a vaginal infection caused by a fungus or yeast. Vaginal thrush can also come from a germ, or a friends disease, if you make contact with the germ some kind of way.