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The moral lesson of Frankenstein, simply stated, is that Victor should not have tried to "play" God. It was morally wrong to upset the natural order of the world, and to add to it, his rejection and denial of the monster raises the question of nature vs. nuture, and that it was immoral to walk away from his creation.

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14y ago

Frankenstein is Shelley's exploration of technology run amok. Part of the reason that this makes for good story telling is the irony inherent in the situation, namely that the technology which makes our lives better, turns against us to make our lives worse. Shelley would like us to be entertained first and foremost but she also asks us to ponder legitimate questions. What about the unintended consequences of scientific progress? For example we have harnessed the atom for electricity and medicine but now we have nuclear waste. We invented cars which eliminated mountains of horse crap in our larger cities, but now we have to deal with smog. The list goes on. All in all I think our lives are much better than the surfs and peons of old Europe. So it becomes a question of which problems one would rather endure. There is however a much deeper question to be considered. That is the idea of creating an autonomous being that turns against his creator. This particular theme has persisted in our culture. Movies and television like, "Terminator," "Battlestar Galactica," "I-Robot," and "The Matrix" all demonstrate our fascination with this idea. I believe the reason for this is that we ourselves are creations who have turned against our creator and though we may not recognize this on a conscience level, subconsciously we can't resist exploring our condition.

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What lessons can be learned from frankenstein

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The moral of Frankenstine is that men should not try to play God, or else there will be dire consequences.

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Q: What lesson is victor Frankenstein trying to teach Walton?
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Because your in teleclass and dont read!

Who was Robert Walton in Mary Shelley Frankenstein?

Robert Walton was an Arctic explorer who serves as the narrator in Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein." He finds Victor Frankenstein near death and nurses him back to health. Through their interactions, Walton becomes the character to whom Frankenstein recounts his life story.

Who does Walton see first on the ice in Frankenstein?

Walton first sees a gigantic man-like figure over 8 feet tall dashing throw the snow on a dog sled. Then afterward sees a man on a dog sled almost dyeing from exhaustion chasing the first figure. Walton take aboard the second man and we find out it is Victor Frankenstein. Therefore the first figure that Walton sees is Victor Frankenstein's Monster whom Victor was chasing.

Where is the Frankenstein letter writer located?

No, Robert Walton was writing the letters to his sister, Margret. In the fourth letter, he was telling her about Victor, who later tells Robert his story. Victor created the Frankenstein monster.

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In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Walton and his crew spot a gigantic figure driving a dogsled across the Arctic ice. The figure is Victor Frankenstein, who is pursuing his creation in the hopes of destroying it.

Where does Walton first meet Victor?

Robert and Victor met in Alaska. Robert was on a ship and found Victor stranded on a sheet of ice. Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley.

How are Victor and Walton alike?

Robert Walton and Victor Frankenstein are similar because they both want to explore the world and both create some type of monster. The are desperate for a companion so they create their own.

Who is the narrate of Mary Shelley's epistolary novel Frankenstein?

There are actually three narrators in Mary Shelly's "Frankenstein." Captain Walton on the outside, Victor Frankenstein on the inside, and the monster in isolated incidents.

How are Walton and Frankenstein stories alike?

Both are seeking fame by pushing the limits: Victor with science and Walton with exploration.