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Seemingly, 100% for the debt of the loan he signed for personally. That's the point, he guarantees 100% of the loan personally for something else, in this case the corp. If the corp doesn't pay, he does.

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Q: What liability does a minority interest owner 10 percent have when required to personally guarantee loans of the s corporation?
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SBA requires a guarantee from all individuals and legal entities that hold a 20% or more possession interest in either the Project Property or the working agency.

Is interest payable a asset or liability?


What element of financial statements interest payable belong?

Interest payable is liability to be cleared in future that's why shown in liability side of balance sheet.

Is interest due during a tax dispute?

It depends upon the result of the dispute. if the liability to pay tax is confirmed on an appeal, interest accurues even during the period when the liability is in dispute. Because the liability to pay is there before the dispute and after the dispute. If the liability is deleted on an appeal, there is no liability to pay tax before the appeal and after the appeal. When there is no liability there is no interest there upon.

Does interest payable go on a balance sheet?

Interest payable is the interest which is not yet paid and required payment to be made so it is the liability of the company and that's why it will show as a current liability under liability side of the balance sheet.

Is interest received in advance considered asset or liability?

Interest received in advance is liability of business till the time it is actually earned by business.

Is accrued interest payable a current liability?

For general purposes, accrued interest payable is generally a current liability, however that depends on one major factor. When will the liability be paid? Any liability that a company can reasonably expect to pay off in 12 months (or less) or one accounting period is a "current liability" any liability that will be paid off at a longer time is a "long term liability" So if the accrued interest will be paid in 12 months or less, then it is a current liability.

The owner interest in the assets of a corporation are alternately known as?

The owners interest in the assets of a corporation are alternately known as stockholders' equity.

Is interest income an expense asset or liability?

Interest income is part of revenue.

Interest payable found on the balance sheet?

Interest payable is liability for business that's why shown under liability side of balance sheet of business.

Is interest a current or non current liability?

That part of interest which is due withing next 12 month or due in current financial year then that would be current liability and the remaining part will be non-current liability.