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Q: What might be one adaptation of an organism that lives in the ocean?
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What is one type of organism that lives in the ocean that might suffer from intentional human contact?

A dolphin

What is a loggerhead turtle?

A loggerhead turtle is an organism that lives in the neritic portion of the ocean

What is the difference between an organism's habitat and its niche?

An organisms habitat is where the organism lives; ex ocean, forest, desert etc. The organisms niche is its role within the habitat.

What is a special adaptation for ocean animals?

a special adaptation is finding hidings spots from bigger more dangerous preditors

What is the adaptation of a crimson anemone?

the way it flows gently in the ocean

What observation could be used to determine that an ocean organism carries out autotrophic nutrition?

its because the organism either lives close to the surface and because chloroplasts are visible in its cells (only if it is a plant) this information was found in my AP Biology textbook

Trait that improves a species chance of survival?

Adaptation is a trait or structure that improves an organism's chance for survival and reproduction. Benthos is organisms that live on or near the ocean bottom, sometimes attached to surfaces.

What is the name of the ocean the organism lives in?

all seas have organisms living in them, even lakes, and any body of water, really. put it this way, we are organisms, fish are organisms

What is the main plant living in the ocean?

does anyone know the main plant that lives in the ocean? seaweed

What adaptation does the great white shark have that helps it to survive?

ocean water

What is the meaning of aquatic organism?

Any organism that breeds, breathes, grows, lives, and eats in water. But it must do all of these in the water. Frogs are only aquatic in their tadpole stage because they do all of these. there are many grey areas to this type of life though.

From which organism agar agar is extracted?

red algae Agar agar is a malay term meaning red algae. This algae which agar is extracted lives in the ocean around Malaysia