

Best Answer

1. Raised a man from the dead

2. Healed a blind man

3. Walked on water

4. Fed 5,000 from 5 loaves and 2 fish

5. Rose from the grave

6. Saved us from our sins

7. Pearl Marson
Jesus did many miracles such as healing the sick, making the blind see, making paralyzed people walk and on one occasion, even rose someone from the dead! But the more important miracles are these, Jesus died for our sins. He took up the cross in the name of forgiving us for our sins. He came down to earth beause his father told him to. This is some pretty awesome stuff. He also is willing to bring sinners like you and me into heaven. That is the biggest miracle of all...

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13y ago

Jesus' first miracle was turning water into wine. We read about this in John, chapter 2. Another miracle Jesus performed was resurrecting Lazarus. We read about it in John, chapter 11. Jesus Christ performed many other miracles, including feeding the people, expelling demons, resurrecting, healing, etc. We can read about them in the four Gospel accounts: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.

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15y ago

In the New Testament he is said to have cured the blind, people with leprosy and raise the dead. He is also said to walk on water and turn water to wine but I'm not sure if those count. However the Dead Sea scrolls which pre-date The Bible by quite a bit say that Jesus was not the number one man in the church. But Pope Jonathan was and Jesus was second followed by Judas. It says they were all crucified together and Judas didn't betray Jesus. It states that Jesus looks at Pope Jonathan and apologizes for being unable to preform any miracles. In short it says Pope Jonathan was more important than Jesus and Judas was not a traitor. But, more importantly that Jesus tried to make miracles happen but never succeeded If you or anyone else has any questions, I will be happy to answer them.

This question appears to be an oxymoron. If something is natural, it is not normally considered to be a miracle. If something is a miracle, it is not something which would happen naturally.

A miracle is

# an extraordinary event attributed to some supernatural agency, or # any remarkable occurrence or development. The gospels record 35 miracles of Jesus. Of course, this is not the full number, because, for example, on at least one occasion he cured different sick people in the crowd, but we don't know how many he cured, nor do we know what he cured them of.

At John 21:25 we read that Jesus did many other things, not recorded in the gospel(s). So maybe he also performed other miracles, i.e. in addition to those related in the scriptures.

His miracles range from changing water into wine to raising the dead. Neither of these can be called natural events, so maybe they should be excluded from a list of natural miracles!

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13y ago

Jesus did many miracles like heal the lepers, the blind, raise the dead, drive away evil spirits, change water to wine and many more.

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